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Jon Fleischman

“Sir, why can’t I see the color red?”

I was sifting through my e-mails, and got a heads up from an FR reader that the folks at VSP (Vision Service Plan — the uber-large vision insurance that state employees, and millions of others have) are parking their RV-Style "Mobile Eyecare Coach" at the east entrance of the Capitol. I’m sure that from 10am to 1pm, the VSP folks will be swamped. They won’t have any trouble telling the Republicans from the Democrats. The former will be eyeing the "Coach" skeptically, and asking questions to discern whether any tax dollars went into its creation — and Democrats will all be asking why they can’t see the color red (as in RED INK).

Then again, tomorrow most Capitol workers may be over across the street at The Golden One Credit Union filling out paperwork for interest free loans in lieu of paychecks that will not be coming until after a budget is enacted. (The flyer I got from VSP is attached. This post is proof that just about anything can be fodder for the FR Blog!)Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary by HJTA’s Jon Coupal – The Legislature Needs a Spending Limit Nanny

On this quiet Saturday of a holiday weekend, we are pleased to offer this outstanding column from Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association…

Here’s a riddle. What is 150 years old, but has less self control than a toddler? That’s right, it’s the California Legislature, whose profligate spending has put our state almost $20 billion in the red. Over and over again it has proven Ronald Reagan’s maxim that "government is like an infant — an insatiable appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other." Fiscal incontinence is nothing new to Sacramento. Back in 1979, Proposition 13 co-author Paul Gann put a reasonable limit on the ballot that tied new spending to inflation and population growth.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary by HJTA’s Jon Coupal – The Legislature Needs a Spending Limit Nanny

On this quiet Saturday of a holiday weekend, we are pleased to offer this outstanding column from Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association…

Here’s a riddle. What is 150 years old, but has less self control than a toddler? That’s right, it’s the California Legislature, whose profligate spending has put our state almost $20 billion in the red. Over and over again it has proven Ronald Reagan’s maxim that "government is like an infant — an insatiable appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other." Fiscal incontinence is nothing new to Sacramento. Back in 1979, Proposition 13 co-author Paul Gann put a reasonable limit on the ballot that tied new spending to inflation and population growth.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: The Claremont Institute’s July 4th Message

On the occasion of America’s Birthday, I wanted to share with you a special 4th of July message that was e-mailed out by our friends at the Claremont Institute. It’s certainly worth a few minutes of your time to read…

Happy Independence Day from the team here at the FlashReport! American children are not born understanding the principles of their country, and most American college students—if reports can be believed—are still largely unfamiliar with them when they graduate. So it is a useful tradition, as the Fourth of July comes around each year, to reflect again—and again—on the American political principles famously proclaimed on the original Independence Day, which, as many college graduates know, happened sometime in the past, possibly during summertime. Lest we seem to rest all our political expectations on the capacity of the next generation for self-government, let us admit that the grownups, as well, can benefit from an annual refresher.

As Thomas Jefferson said late in life, when explaining the genesis of the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: The Claremont Institute’s July 4th Message

On the occasion of America’s Birthday, I wanted to share with you a special 4th of July message that was e-mailed out by our friends at the Claremont Institute. It’s certainly worth a few minutes of your time to read…

Happy Independence Day from the team here at the FlashReport! American children are not born understanding the principles of their country, and most American college students—if reports can be believed—are still largely unfamiliar with them when they graduate. So it is a useful tradition, as the Fourth of July comes around each year, to reflect again—and again—on the American political principles famously proclaimed on the original Independence Day, which, as many college graduates know, happened sometime in the past, possibly during summertime. Lest we seem to rest all our political expectations on the capacity of the next generation for self-government, let us admit that the grownups, as well, can benefit from an annual refresher.

As Thomas Jefferson said late in life, when explaining the genesis of the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

EXCLUSIVE: Steve Poizner Poised to Bring on Mike Murphy at front end of 2010 Gubernatorial Bid

For a little while now, I had been hearing persistent whispers that California State Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner had advanced in his preparations for a run for the Republican nomination for Governor in 2010 — so much so to the point that he was in dialogue with nationally acclaimed political strategist Mike Murphy (pictured).

Well, I have now reached out to enough of our FR contacts to be able to say that Poizner has not only met personally with Murphy, but has engaged in multiple phone conversations with him. In addition, several members of Poizner’s "senior team" have been in dialogue with Murphy. While I’m not prepared to say that Murphy has signed on the dotted line (I’m sure that would come with an official statement and media-blitz by Poizner and Murphy), I think I feel safe characterizing this was in the final stages of a negotiation.

Of course, bringing Murphy onboard as a senior strategist would be the loudest and most definitive sign to date that the wealthy (which… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Assembly Committee Action

Since the budget talks are pretty slow, with most of the talks going on in the Joint Budget Conference Committee, plus a little bit of Big4talks, and the rest of us are out of town until the 15th, I just thought I’d pass along a glimpse of the Assembly Appropriations Committee Action from Wednesday.

SB 1301-Financial Aid-to grant more financial aid to students who are offspring of illegal immigrants, was heard in committee-Passed

SB 1322-Communism in Schools-[which could seem redundant] Would relieve schools of requiring a form that essentially says that communism would not be taught or glorified…you know, since the Wall came down it’s no longera worry.[Didn’t seea provision thanking Ronald Reagan.]-Passed

SB 1422-High Cost Rail Authority-turns over a lot of the decision process to the Authority from CalTrans for the High Cost Rail whose bonds haven’t even been approved by voters in November yet.-Passed

SB 441-Vending Machines on State Property-would be required to contain 35% "nutritional products", juices, snacks etc. Regardless of price or market demand or perishability, if a product… Read More

Jon Fleischman

With help from the Gov, I’ve E-mailed my legislators. Have you?

Right around the stroke of midnight, I got an urgent e-mail from the Governor’s campaign entitled, "Day 1" — referring to the fact that we are now one day into the new fiscal year without a state budget. The e-mail directed me to a call for action on the Governor’s Join Arnold website where I read this message from the Governor’s Team:

The Governor’s 2008-09 budget proposal is a responsible plan that solves the state’s long-term budget problem, fully funds education, keeps our parks open and keeps prisoners behind bars – without tax increases. However,Read More