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Jon Fleischman

Schwarzenegger Suggests He’s Open To Serving In Obama Cabinet

That is the ABC News headline, not mine. You can read it here, or watch the Governor’s chat with George Stephanopoulis this morning here.

I’m sure Arnold’s former campaign manager Steve Schmidt, who is now quarterbacking John McCain’s campaign, is just "overjoyed" at this interview (not).

Then again, I don’t know any Republican who would be.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

RIP Tony Snow

Tony Snow was a great guy and it is being reported this morning that cancer has taken his life. While most recently Snow was spokesman for our President, his time with Fox News is what really impacted most of us. I enjoyed many e-mail exchanges with Tony, and a few sit downs over coffee. He was a great conservative and a smart guy. We’ll miss him. Our sympathies go out to his family.… Read More

Brandon Powers

Message Received

Two Southern Californianewspapers today featured excellent editorials on the state’s budget deficit.

Both the San Diego area’s North County Times and the Riverside Press-Enterprise dismissed Democrat proposalsof billions in newtaxes as being the answer to our budget woes, lambasting them to insteaddo more to getspending under control.

That position, otherwise known as the Republican position, has been firmly held and strongly advocated by our Republican leaders in Sacramento –who havebeen working overtime to get that message out.

Well, if even newspaper editorial writers are grasping the notion that it’s time to get tough on the out of control spending, it’s no doubt the voters are getting it too. And our Republican leaders deserve an awful lot of credit for getting that message across.

Just take a look at a bit of these two editorials. Great stuff.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: HJTA’s Jon Coupal – Budgeting By Judicial Fiat

On this quiet Saturday, we are pleased to offer this outstanding column from Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association…

Most high school students, at least in the old days, learned in civics class that there are three branches of government each of which has a discernible and distinct function. That is not to say that the lines of demarcation are always clear. There remains constant tension among these branches at both the federal and state levels and their respective powers ebb and flow with political changes and other events.

In addition to the Separation of Powers doctrine, there are profound issues of federalism that constantly arise with respect to the powers of the individual states relative to our national government. Here, too, the respective powers change; sometimes incrementally and sometimes dramatically, such as the shift in power resulting from the Civil War.Read More

Jon Fleischman

HJTA’s Jon Coupal – Budgeting By Judicial Fiat

On this quiet Saturday, we are pleased to offer this outstanding column from Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association…

Most high school students, at least in the old days, learned in civics class that there are three branches of government each of which has a discernible and distinct function. That is not to say that the lines of demarcation are always clear. There remains constant tension among these branches at both the federal and state levels and their respective powers ebb and flow with political changes and other events.

In addition to the Separation of Powers doctrine, there are profound issues of federalism that constantly arise with respect to the powers of the individual states relative to our national government. Here, too, the respective powers change; sometimes incrementally and sometimes dramatically, such as the shift in power resulting from the Civil War.

These often academic issues are now having a real world impact onRead More

James V. Lacy

Politics in the family

I’ve always been interested in doing a family tree but it was one of those things I just never knew how to do or get around to. And as the last of my line with no living relatives the work seemed a pretty daunting task, with no one to talk to about family history anymore. But I saw the advertisement on television for last week and decided to invest just $29.95 for a month’s premium service to tinker around with public records and see what might come up. I wasn’t expecting much, but found that the website, supported by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, was a hugely powerful research device, that helped me learn about each generation of the Lacy family by popping up "hints" as I worked through Census Data, Marriage, Death, and government service records.

And boy, did I find something! I learned that I am related to Henry Clay, the iconic three-time Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Senator and U.S. Secretary of State! My great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother, Eilzabeth Hudson, born in Hanover County,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Navy Veteran Takes Exception To Don Perata’s Comments

This just in from Navy Commander Larry Wahl, Ret’d. I think it is worth a read on what he has to say about some comments made by Don Perata earlier this week…

Just when you thought the budget negotiations couldn’t get any worse, there go the Democrats proving everyone wrong. Facing a state budget deficit of $15 billion fueled by ever-increasing government spending, state Democrats finally announced yesterday whose taxes they would raise and by how much to pay for it all. Speaking at a press conference, Assembly Speaker Karen Bass and Senate Pro Tem Don Perata explained the $9.7 billion dollars in new taxes under their latest budget scheme.Read More

Jim Battin

Waste Watch – Taxpayers Are Drained by City

If you are caught stealing from a neighbor, the police would surely arrest you for theft. Well, that’s basically what has been happening in Sacramento, but so far, no arrests have been made. In fact, the City is not even sure where thousands of “missing” water meters have gone. To date, the bill to ratepayers has hit more than a million dollars however, yet not one person has been held accountable. According to the Sacramento Bee, (June 26, 2008), The city of Sacramento cannot currently find or track nearly 4,500 water meters that the city has purchased in recent years at a cost of $1.3 million. On top of that, the city’s Utilities Department has been operating with such lax oversight that it repeatedly entered into no-bid contracts for meter-reading equipment that should haveRead More