Democrats Enthusiastically Unify Behind $9+ BILLION In New Taxes (Of Course)
This morning there we be a press conference held by legislative Democrats, where they announce a "compromise" plan between Senate and Assembly Democrats in terms of how big of a tax increase they want to enact. FR readers will recall that Perata and his left-wing Senate colleagues were calling for around 12 billion dollars in "new revenue" (taxes) while over in the Assembly, Karen Bass and her fellow Democrats in the lower hours were looking at shy of 7 billion dollars in higher taxes. You will be "pleased" to know that after much wrangling, horse trading, and "hating" on those who create economic opportunity in California, Democrats have come to an agreement: They want taxes in California to be hiked by a staggering $9 billion + dollars. Courtesy of the San Diego Union Tribune, (most of) their proposed tax hikes are broken out thusly: PROPOSED NEW TAXES
$5.6 billion: Impose a 10 percent rate for taxpayers with joint … Read More