Are Pete Wilson and Gray Davis Hypocrites?
I couldn’t believe it. Pete Wilson and Gray Davis are worried about the impartiality of our court system. They testified recently in front of the Steering Committee of the Statewide Commission for Impartial Courts.
The Committee Chair Supreme Court Justice Ming Chin is concerned that ‘unfair political attacks” on the courts are undermining our democracy.
All three need to look in the mirror before worrying about the courts. Pete Wilson was clear that he would appoint law and order type judges.
Nothing wrong with that?
Gray Davis took it a little further. He actually told a bunch of Governor’s that this:
"They are not there to be independent agents…They are there to reflect the sentiments that I expressed during the campaign.”
If they arrive at a conclusion that differs from the governor, he said, "They shouldn’t be a judge. They should resign."
Then his administration had a pro-abortion, pro-death penalty litmus test for judicial nominees.
Nothing wrong with that?
Judge Chin when first appointed to the bench immediately… Read More