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Jon Fleischman

Bob Huff Explains His Vote For The Container Fee/Tax Bill

There was quite a bit of chatter going on in the State Capitol when conservative Assemblyman Bob Huff put up the lone GOP vote for SB 974. This legislation would require those shipping goods into California’s ports in Los Angeles, Long Beach and Oakland to pay an estimated $400 million a year into government coffers to pay for infrastructure investment around those ports.

Since this vote was controversial, we reached out to Assemblyman Huff to ask him why he voted for this bill, that was rejected by his Republican colleagues. In response to our inquiry, Assemblyman Huff penned this piece to explain his position, and his vote…

We’re placing a link to Huff’s piece here on the FR blog in case those reading it would like to publicly comment.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governor Holding The Line On Budget Reform

The Governor continues to stand firm on his demand that any budget must include real spending reform. That is outstanding.

While these days we need to take the Governor’s resolve on a day by day basis, it is heartening to see him continuing to advocate this needed reform of state government, to prevent future overspending.… Read More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

Local Gov’t On Illegal Immigration – Right Way vs. Wrong Way

When it comes to dealing with the impacts of illegal immigrants on cities and counties, there’s a right way and a wrong way. In San Francisco we see both a wrong-way city and a wrong-way county.

By way of example, San Bernardino County has discovered that San Francisco, a self-designated “sanctuary city”, was until recently dumping illegal-alien juvenile criminals into group homes in San Bernardino County. Read about it here.

Illegal immigrants are by definition law-breakers, but a significant number of them also break other laws of the United States. These offenders often find themselves in our jails.

Of course Congress hasn’t summoned the courage to lead on this issue – or at least lead in the right direction. So starting with the aftermath of the 2005 controversy over the McCain-Kennedy bill, the idea of local governments taking control of their own public safety relative to illegal-immigrant criminals began to resonate. Since the federal and state governments won’t send the right message – that illegal immigration (especially when committed by people who commit other crimes as well)… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Rep. Royce: Socializing Risk While Funding The Left

Today the Congress is preparing to vote on a massive mega-billion dollar "bail out" of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae" – along with billions of other "gifts" to those impacted negatively by the mortgage crisis ("gift" – paid for with our tax dollars). Congressman Ed Royce (R-Orange County) just sent over this well written piece on this ill-advised legislation:

Socializing Risk While Funding the Left By U.S. Represenative Ed Royce Today the House of Representatives passed one of the largest taxpayer bailouts in decades. After advocating for strong GSE reforms for the better part of aRead More

Jon Fleischman

Let the Budget Kabuki Dance Begin

Wikopedia defines Kabuki is a form of traditional Japanese theatrical dance.. Kabuki theatre is known for the stylization of its drama and for the elaborate make up worn by some of its performers.

I am reminded of these Kabuki dancers when we see acts like the one by State Senate President Don Perata — who has called for a budget vote next Tuesday in the Senate (h/t to CapWeekly). The thing is, there has been no successful negotiation to resolve the significant policy issues that divide liberals and conservatives in approach the huge financial hole in which the state find’s itself.

So this budget vote next week is Kabuki — political theatrical dance.

I guess it won’t be a complete waste of time. We can see if Senator Lou… Read More

Jon Fleischman

PPIC’s Peripheral Canal Study Worth A Read

Last week, the Public Policy Institute of California released a study which piqued my curiousity because it talked about the decades-old political football — the peripheral canal. I asked the fine folks at PPIC if they would produce a blog-length intro to their study, which is below. At the bottom, there is a link to much more comprehensive information…

Peripheral canal can save ailing Delta, ensure reliable water supply Public Policy Institute of California Building a peripheral canal to carry water around the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is the most promising strategy to balance two critical goals: reviving a threatened ecosystem and ensuring a high-quality water supply for California’s residents. That is the key conclusion of a report released this week by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC). Under current policy, water isRead More

Shawn Steel

Obama Swimming In Money — More Than All Presidential Campaigns Combined

Know of a liberal college student needing summer work? At U.C. Santa Cruz , my daughter’s school this Fall, i found this announcement posted throughout the campus.

Wow, for helping kicking out the GOP of the White House, any student can get up to $8000 as a summer campaigner. After observing politics a while I’ve never seen such a deal. This year the Dems are swimming in money. Barak just announced his take in June was over $50 million, outdistancing McCain 2-1. Even the hapless DNC, forever broke under Chairman Dean is matching nicely against the RNC, just a few weeks after the Obama takeover of those operations.

And that money doesn’t even includethe fabulous 527s, those underground secretive money laundering operations, which are overwhelmingly in the dem camp. Strange ironies for McCain-Feingold. Billionairesfor Obama, re their donating history includesEli Broad, real estate [93% for dems], Ron Burkle, supermakets and FOB [ 98%]; Charles Kushner, real estate and felon, [98%]; George… Read More

James V. Lacy

Newport Beach Council set to repeal “hit piece” crime

The City of Newport Beach has one of the most threatening and unconstitutional campaign ordinances on its books I have ever seen. And by golly, they just might repeal it tonight!

I blogged about the law here last February and provided four detailed reasons why it was unconstitutional. The lawis Municipal Code section 1.30, which criminalizes all "writings," direct-mail and flyers distributed to 200 or more people in Newport Beach within 14 days of an election, unless copies are filed with the City Clerk within 2 hours of distribution, and supported by evidence of how they were distributed. The penalty is six months in jail, a $500 fine, or both.

The law is aimed atlast minute "hit pieces" and is specifically intended to force public disclosure of such mailings, and all late mailings, to give opponents the opportunity to "respond to statements" that are "untrue, or believed to be untrue." The law became an issue in the February municipal election in Newport Beach when supporters of Measure B, the successful "City Hall in the Park" initiative, which was opposed by the majority of… Read More

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