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Jon Fleischman

OC Lincoln Club Leaders On Need For GOP Shakeup On Capitol Hill

A couple of weeks ago, Orange County Lincoln Club President Rich Wagner and fellow OCLC Board Member Chip Hanlon penned a hard hitting column in Red County Magazine concerning the current leadership of Republicans on Capitol Hill — calling for new leadership regardless of the outcome of elections this November. I wrote extensively about it here.

Below is a video clip of Wagner along with Lincoln Club Chairman Tracy Price on a local Orange County cable news program, Real Orange, talking about the strong (and admirable) stance of this venerable Republican donor organization… (h/t to the OC Blog)Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bob Novak Rushed To Hospital

Long time conservative columnist Bob Novak, whose columns we have featured a lot on this site, has been rushed to the hospital with a brain tumor. Please keep him in your prayers. Look for updates on the Human Events website.… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Carole Star RIP

On July 26 Carole Star, long time Republican activist in San Diego and Imperial Counties, passed away. When I was assigned to Imperial County by the California Republican Party in 1996 Carole, who at the time I believe worked for Congressman Duncan Hunter, helped me learn the county. She was a regular at California Republican Conventions, and a friend to many. RIP, Carole. DDD

This obituary was submitted by Joel Jacklich:

Five foot nothing with long auburn hair she usually wore in a pony tail, Carole Starr had the energy of a whirlwind. She prided herself on her ability to meet any challenge. Whether she was putting together a fundraiser for a political campaign at last minute’s notice; shopping; or traveling abroad and spending full days visiting museums, attending the theater, and sightseeing, Carole seemed tireless.Read More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

There’s Something New Under the Sun

For those of you who think the battle over private property rights and access to public lands in the California desert came to an end in 1994 with the passage of Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Desert Protection Act, I’ve got news for you.

I wrote this op-ed, which is featured in today’s San Bernardino County Sun, to emphasize the importance of balancing California’s need for resources such as water and electricity with the potential impact that developing such resources could have on California’s desert lands.

Now with the majority of politicos worshipping at the altar of Climate Change and pushing the new imperative of Renewable Energy, nothing else – not even pristine desert ecosystems that 15 years ago were of such great concern to urbanites who elect Senators like Feinstein and Barbara Boxer – seems to matter anymore.

Environmentalists are now split between those willing to sacrifice the desert to more than 100 currently proposed land-devouring solar and wind farms and those – like the radicals who don’t care about the economy – who aren’t.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Information vs. Advocacy…Your thoughts, please

I would appreciate any thoughts you may have (potentially for attribution) on the following, for a possible follow-up piece on the issue. See the questions at the end…. California law is pretty clear. Public funds can’t be used for political campaign purposes. So, yesterday’s article in the Union-Trib, "Activists fault two cities over sales-tax brochures," again raises an interesting and ongoing issue of debate – the use of public funds in advance of a potential ballot measure to educate and solicit public opinion, although technically not for campaign purposes.

As a former La Mesa City Councilmember and current San Diego County Taxpayers Association (SDCTA) board member, my interest is heightened due to my city’s situation as noted in the article, yet my purpose in querying you the reader goes beyond my past and current involvement with the two entities.

Although some public agencies have no doubt exceeded a "gray area" threshold by using public funds for campaign purposes, let’s… Read More

Meredith Turney

Playing Political Games with Ballot Measures

This afternoon the Associated Press reported that Proposition 8’s ballot description has been changed—and traditional marriage supporters should be up in arms over this political ploy. Initially, Prop. 8 was described as limiting marriage to a man and a woman. Readers will be shocked to learn that Prop. 8 is now officially described as “a constitutional change to eliminate the right of same sex couples to marry.” According to Secretary of State Debra Bowen’s office, the description change came as the result of the recent California Supreme Court ruling overturning Proposition 22.

This flimsy excuse for so blatantly siding with Prop. 8 opposition is ludicrous. The so-called “right” of same-sex couples to marry was created by the California Supreme Court just two months ago and voters have yet to decide whether they will participate in this judicial charade. This biased description of Prop. 8 demonstrates the challenge supporters will face this election—not just in the campaign, but from a supposedly-unbiased… Read More

Jim Battin

Waste Watch — Oakland School District Still Overspending After All These Years

In 2003, Oakland Unified School District went into state receivership. In other words, it went bankrupt, and the state had to bail it out. Today, the school district is still under state control and, incredibly, continues to experience financial problems. Given Oakland Unified School District’s history of scandals and fiscal mismanagement, it comes as no surprise it is still in financial chaos. Unfortunately, taxpayers have been footing the bill for the district’s incompetence and ill-advised financial moves. According to the Oakland Tribune (July 7, 2008), “Five years after the state assumed control of the nearly bankrupt Oakland school system, the district’s finances remain on shaky ground, an investigation by the Alameda County Civil Grand Jury has concluded.” The article continues, “The brief report…Read More

Shawn Steel

Who is Abram Wilson?

Few blacks get elected outside of African-American neighborhoods. The last and only black Republican assemblyman was Frederick Roberts (pictured below, left), in the AD 62, Los Angeles, [1918 to 1934]. Roberts was the first black to serve in any California state office.

Abram Wilson is the Republican nominee in AD 15. Wilson was elected as San Ramon’s first Mayor in 2003. He competedfor the Guy Houston seat against several other well financed challengers.Three candidates… Read More

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