Solid Leadership from Cogdill, Villines
They say that only in the face of adversity can you take full measure of someone’s performance. Well, the multi-year overspending crisis that has created such a chasm between state spending and available tax revenues has really given State Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill and Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines an opportunity to demonstrate that they are great leaders.
Republican and anti-tax leaders and activists up and down the Golden State have taken note of this “GOP Dynamic Duo” – their leadership has the two Republican Caucuses working in tandem in a way that hasn’t been seen in many years.
Let’s remember that Cogdill and Villines are politicians in a Capitol that is overflowing with special interests and consumers of government — yet they are able to keep their grounding, and understand that their job is to represent all Californians. They have both demonstrated an understanding that growth in state government flies in the face of an American tradition of a truly limited role for the central state. They have also repeatedly made it clear that from a pragmatic point of view that increasing the… Read More