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Jon Fleischman

Solid Leadership from Cogdill, Villines

They say that only in the face of adversity can you take full measure of someone’s performance. Well, the multi-year overspending crisis that has created such a chasm between state spending and available tax revenues has really given State Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill and Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines an opportunity to demonstrate that they are great leaders.

Republican and anti-tax leaders and activists up and down the Golden State have taken note of this “GOP Dynamic Duo” – their leadership has the two Republican Caucuses working in tandem in a way that hasn’t been seen in many years.

Let’s remember that Cogdill and Villines are politicians in a Capitol that is overflowing with special interests and consumers of government — yet they are able to keep their grounding, and understand that their job is to represent all Californians. They have both demonstrated an understanding that growth in state government flies in the face of an American tradition of a truly limited role for the central state. They have also repeatedly made it clear that from a pragmatic point of view that increasing the… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Senator Chuck Hagel — disaster

I really like the State of Nebraska. Great people. Great sense of community.

Every time I watch US Senator Chuck Hagel on one of the national news shows I am thankful he does not represent me. I just watched Face the Nation from this past Sunday. This guy is the Paul Horcher of the US Senate.

This two term United States Senator would not even answer the question of the candidate he would vote for for President of the United States. He has served with Senator McCain and Senator Obama for years. He has dealt with national policy for decades and he can’t decide or doesn’t have the guts to say who he is going to support for President?

This may be the first time I appreciate Senators Boxer and Feinstein. At least they are willing to tell people the candidate they support for President — even if it the wrong candidate they will at least answer the question.

This guy was actually thinking about running for President of the United States of American. What a joke.… Read More

Judges and voters

They kind of go together like babies and puppies.

And yet there is an increasing volume from opponents of the system we have here in California that allows the voters to affirm, elect and re-elect judges. Or to turn them out in favor of another candidate. Opponents of this system suggest that judges should be beyond the political gamesmanship and not have to face the voters.

I think this is a great idea if the alternative was the system in place in El Salvador where attorneys nominate judges.

But back here in California a better idea is to encourage greater voter participation.

Orange County provides several great examples of how voters were informed and did the right thing. Back in 2002 Judge Ronald Kline had been charged with possessing a personal stockpile or child pornography AFTER filing had closed. Judge Kline had drew no opponent as is the case in most judicial races and so he was to be unopposed. But numerous media and party officials and write-in candidates waged a battle and John Adams a local business attorney was elected by write-in vote. I along with others advised Adams on his campaign. The voters got it.

Likewise… Read More

Meredith Turney

5.4 Earthquake Hits LA/OC

Most of our Southern California bloggers are probably still recovering from the jolt of the 5.4 magnitude earthquake that just struck Los Angeles and Orange County, so I’ll post a quick note until they can report in. According to the USGS, the quake’s epicenter was Chino Hills but there are reports from all across the area (even Las Vegas) of feeling the earth movement and several aftershocks. As anyone who’s experienced an earthquake can attest, it’s a startling and unsettling experience. It looks like there is no major damage to report at this time.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

No Vote Today Is a Good Non-Vote For The Budget Process

Tuesday had been the day for a scheduled budget vote as requested by Sen. Perata a week before. The Assembly had none scheduled as it wouldn’t be seen as productive withthe sides so far apart. That changed Friday as Speaker Bass decided that the Assembly should also take an action today with a vote up or down on the budget. Then, yesterday, the Senate canceled their vote and soon the Assembly did too. With Sen. Perata stating that the discussions were warming up to a moreco-operative tone, that holding a vote would only detract from that thawing process, it was a good thing to not go throughwith a for-show only vote today.

With the $9 Billion in new taxes likely to still have been in a Tuesday vote document, no budget reform agreed upon yet, as well as several other important points not agreed upon it would’ve been a waste of everyone’s time to bring up [or down to Sacramento for us northerners] 120 leglslators to go through an exercise that not even the Big 4 can agree on. Much staff time and much printing are required to even do an exercise vote. Then there would be the floor speeches that would go on and on about how… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

No Budget Votes Today

Jon reported yesterday that the Senate had cancelled the budget vote that a week ago had been scheduled for today. I haven’t seen anyone report the Assembly side of it yet. The Assembly, at first resisting a vote since the 2 sides of the budget debate are still far apart, then, a couple days ago had also decided to schedule one for today. Then, the Senate cancelled theirs yesterday and soon after the Assembly did too. As frustrating as it is for all Californians to not have the budget, it is probably better this way to not have show-only votes today as there is no way anything would pass.… Read More

Barry Jantz

More Proof the Economy is Bad

You know things aren’t as good as a few years ago when a four-decade-serving U.S. Senator can only generate $250,000 in "gifts" (not actual bribes, according to reports).

It wasn’t long ago that a lowly San Diego Congressman could collect a cool million and have a boat named after him in exchange for a few contracts and votes.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

PG&E Hearts Gay Marriage

I read where this morning Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), the power utlility for most of the San Francisco Bay Area, has donated $250,000 to the campaign to defeat Proposition 8, the Protect Marriage Act.

I think it is pad policy for utility companies to get involved with an issue such as this, either for or against homosexual marriage. There are a great many Bay Area power users who have no choice about having PG&E as their provider, and should not have to have their power utlility company, spending money that way. The next time this utility looks for a rate hike, I hope everyone remembers that they actually have money to burn…… Read More

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