Assembly Republicans Demanding Budget Vote on Floor
The Assembly started session at 9:00 this morning, and it was obvious from the start that Republicans are not going to let the Democrats get away any longer with putting off a budget vote. As soon as Speaker Pro Tempore Sally Lieber announced, as part of the regular order of business, that there were no messages from the Governor, Assemblyman Todd Spitzer jumped up to clarify. He inquired how the governor could announce, as he did yesterday, he would veto all bills that reach his desk before the budget is passed and yet there were no “formal” messages from his office. Lieber offered some parliamentary excuse. Moments later Assemblyman Sam Blakeslee moved the orders of the day to ensure the Democrats wouldn’t skip over file item #67—a budget vote. He was assured that the legislature would move in order of the file.
Assemblyman Chuck DeVore then rose to question why bills were being passed when the governor will veto them. Running the floor at the moment, Assemblywoman Lori Saldana stated the obvious when she responded, “The governor’s statement yesterday has no impact on this house.” Assemblyman Spitzer then succeeded in getting Democrats to go on record… Read More