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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Bill Leonard – Tax Increases Are Doses For The Addict

We are pleased to present this exclusive commentary from State Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard…

Tax Increases are Doses for the Addict By Bill Leonard My heart goes out to the current Legislative Republican members as the cave-ins, compromises, squishes, and treasons of the past have all come home. California’s on-going structural financial problems have not been solved by postponing decisions and by papering over the excess in spending over revenue. This has been the solution that has been regularly adopted, usually by picking offRead More

BOE Member George Runner

Invisible Deal

The Speaker has announced there is a compromise on the budget and thus, she is calling session on Sunday to vote on the budget bill.

The funny thing is the Republicans — and some Democrat — have not seen the budget.

How can she possibly compromise on a budget that is unknown to many Legislators?

The reality is the Democrats are feeling jammed after letting 45 days go by without offering a budget that befits the hard working people of California.

Sunday’s call to action is nothing more than Democrat leaders’ attempt to paint Republicans as obstructionists (a label that has failed to stick).… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Invitation To More Voter Fraud Extended By Assembly

SB 381 which would allow on-line voter registration, passes off our floor today. This would allow a person with a California ID to register without actually signing their form nor set foot inside a county election clerk’s office. The secretary of state would use an electronic signature for you. You could then vote absentee, without being seen.Or if you should decide to vote in person, you still can, in the state of California, not show any form of ID and be handed a ballot.… Read More

Jill Buck

Sacramento Superstar Contest

On Tuesday I took my interns to Sacramento to meet with policy advocates from Cal Chamber and various legislators. Thanks to the help of Chris Finarelli in Assemblyman Huff’s office(thx, Chris!!!), the day was the perfect opportunity for my interns to see their state government up close and personal. While we were in town, we learned some interesting factoids, and I thought I would share some of these with all of you in the form of a contest. The first person to name all the Sacramento Superstars correctly gets a prize pack of goodies!. You’ll get an official Go Green t-shirt…lovz it…a Go Green coffee mug…when what you drink is sew hott…and a Go Green eraser…very handy during deficit budget dayz.

So, here’s the quiz. See if you can name the lobbyist or the legislator who fits this description…

This legislator serves as the head of the E3 caucus. (You get a bonus point if you know what the E3 caucus is.) This lobbyist probably works with CBIA on a number of issues. This legislator thinks we should follow the example of the French. (You get a bonus point if you can explain why). This lobbyist is a … Read More

James V. Lacy

Fictional ballot name of Congressional aide/candidate challenged

Petitioner Denise Erkeneff of Dana Point filed a lawsuit today against city council candidate Luigi Rossetti, Jr., the county and city to obtain a court order to strike the fictional name "Lou Penrose" from the ballot and ballot statements in the upcoming Nov. 4 municipal election. Rossetti is the District Director for Orange County Congressman John Campbell and a Dana Point resident. Erkeneff’s family are long-time Dana Point residents. Erkeneff is a Republican, and is active in the south country community.

Rossetti is registered to vote in Dana Point, and his driver’s license, marriage license, and social security numbers are all in the name of Luigi Rossetti, Jr. He is employed by Congressman Campbell and the U.S. Congress in the name of Luigi Rossetti, Jr., has received a traffic ticket in that name, has attended driving school in that name, and owns his home with his wife in Dana Point in that name.

However, Rossetti filed a Declaration of Candidacy for the Dana Point city council and a Candidate Statement in a different name, "Lou Penrose." The county and city certified this name on… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Jon Coupal of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association — A Tax Increase Is A Tax Increase

Jon Coupal, the President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, sent over this exclusive piece with all of the discussions that somehow the Governor’s proposal to increase the state sales tax by a full cent for years may "not" be a tax increase — um, yeah, it is… A Tax Increase is a Tax Increase By Jon Coupal

We’re hearing only rumors of the budget "deal" that Don Perata claims he has with Governor Schwarzenegger but, if what we’ve heard has any basis in reality, the proposed tax increase is a non-starter.

The rumored deal involves a "temporary" sales tax increase that would, not only be repealed in three years, but would actually be reduced until it is "paid back" to the taxpayers.

A couple of simple concepts here. First, even a temporary tax increase is still a tax increase. Any legislator whoRead More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform on The ATR Pledge and Governor Schwarzenegger’s Sales Tax Increase Proposal

Grover Norquist is widely respected as one of the nation’s leading taxpayer advocates. As President of Americans for Tax Reform, he has been leading the charge in Washington, D.C., and in the states against new taxes. He has penned this exclusive column for FlashReport readers in light of the current over-spending crisis in Sacramento…

IN TAX TALK, TEMPORARY MEANS PERMANENT; BUT IN CALIFORNIA THE GOP CAN STOP ANY TAX INCREASE By Grover Norquist The History of Americans for Tax Reform’s No Tax Hike Pledge In 1985 president Reagan asked me to run Americans for Tax Reform — to be the grassroots lobby for whatRead More

Mike Spence

Feuer’s Firearm Falsehoods.

Yesterday Assemblyman Mike Feuer was the floor jockey for Jack Scott’s SB 1171. SB 1171 prohibits carrying a loaded firearm in a vehicle in unincorporated parts of California.

Several GOP Assemblyman (Keene, Benoit, Anderson, Berryhill and others) pointed out flaws in applying a city rule to very rural parts of California.

At the end of debate Mike Feuer complained about speakers talking about the lack of news stories about people driving around with loaded guns robbing banks, committing crimes in rural areas.

Mike Feuer than cited two cases of deputies, one from Yolo, the other Sacramento killed in the line of duty. Somehow this law would have protected them.

The truth is a little different. The Yolo County Sheriff was killed by a law-abiding citizen that was on parole for assault with a deadly weapon. I’m sure this new law would have factored into his thinking.

The Sacramento Sheriff pulled at 3:30 a.m. and was killed after a struggle with HIS OWN gun. The still haven’t caught the person responsible.

How would this law have saved them?… Read More

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