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Richard Rider

Should it be illegal for traveling CA state workers to save taxpayers money?

Here’s further proof that California is run BY and FOR the labor unions — public AND private. The hotel workers labor unions are pushing through a bill to make permanent a 2015 law that temporally banned state workers traveling on business from using “shared economy” services — primarily rider sharing (“Uber”) and airbnb rentals. See the article below.

Doubtless this union effort is also backed by the dying taxi businesses and the rental car companies. I suspect the hotel industry is split on the issue, as the measure seeks to limit government worker stays at UNION staffed hotels — a long standing push by labor unions. MOST hotels are non-union, I believe.

These special interest groups — led by the “Unite Here” hotel lobby group — have informed their sycophants in Sacramento that henceforth state workers traveling on business shouldn’t be able choose a better service (highly responsive ride sharing is much quicker than cabs most of the time) that saves taxpayers money. Moreover, the state will be prohibited from negotiating better rates with Uber, Lyft, airbnb, etc. The fact that state… Read More

Katy Grimes

Dem George Soros Dumps Big $$$ In California DA’s Races

The man who broke the Bank of England, Democratic mega-donor George Soros, is using his wealth and influence in United States elections. And now he is trying to flip District Attorney races across the country. The Soros-funded California Justice and Public Safety PACis investing heavily in the district attorney’s races in Sacramento and San Diego.

It is no secret that Soros uses his billions of dollars to influence government politics. He is credited with and has acknowledged orchestrating coups in Croatia, Georgia,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CAGOP Convention Winner: Lt. Governor Candidate Cole Harris

The California Republican Party’s state convention is now in the rear-view mirror and the election is upon us. Millions of absentee ballots are being mailed out today and Californians will start voting later this week.

There are a lot of observations to be made about the weekend confab — but out the gate I am going to name the clear big winner of the convention – businessman Cole Harris, who is running for Lt. Governor of California — and who is now the officially endorsed candidate of the State GOP.

Harris wins the FlashReport Winner of the Convention honors for two reasons. The first was his ability to run a… Read More

Richard Rider

Texas 2015 COL-adjusted median household income is 32.0% higher than CA — UPDATED April 2018

I’ve updated (April, 2018) my salient household income comparison of California vs. hated Texas. My original figures were from 2009. Since then it’s gotten even better — for Texas.

According to the most recent U.S. census figures I can find, the 2015 median household income in California is significantly higher than Texas:

CA — $64,500 TX — $55,653 — 13.5% less than CA (vs. 18.1% less in 2009). TX is only $122 below the national average of $55,775. But compared to the national average cost of living, the California cost of living (2017) is 41.0% higher than the national average, while the Texas COL is 8.8% LOWER than the national average. Read More

Richard Rider

NYC “cash cow” financial firms fleeing to low tax states — Sacramento, hello — anyone listening?

New York City has its own municipal income tax. Combined with the NY state tax, it’s the second highest tax rate in the nation.

NYC is the only U.S. jurisdiction that comes close to challenging California’s place at the top of the income tax (dung) heap. The top NY state income tax rate is 8.82%, while the top NYC income tax is an additional 3.876% (ya gotta wonder why they calculate the tax to a THOUSANTH of a percent). And BTW that top city income tax kicks in at only $50,000 of income.

Thus the top combined NYC tax is 12.696% — challenging (unsuccessfully) California’s top rate of 13.3%. Moreover, NYC has a COL that is even higher than the average CA COL. The theory of NYC politicians is that taxes don’t matter — some businesses HAVE to be in NYC — notably financial businesses.

Wrong! This is the electronic age. More and more, businesses are learning that location DOESN’T… Read More

Katy Grimes

Taking the ‘Boy’ Out of Boy Scouting

The headline should read, “Boy Scouts Welcome Girls In New Gender Neutral Scouts.” How hospitable. The announcement that the Boy Scouts of America will be dropping “Boy” from the name and admitting girls is sadly not surprising, but is extremely disappointing.

My son, now a toxically-masculine 29, was a Cub Scout, Webelo Scout, Life Scout, and third generation Eagle Scout. During his scouting years, we observed scouting changing with more moms getting involved, disallowing boys from being boys in many cases. In… Read More

Katy Grimes

#MeToo Movement Quickly Morphed Into #MeTooBS

Leftist feminist women are trying to dominate/destroy our youth through their envy and hatred of men. Their denial of their own power to unite, or the power to divide, is significant. Women have amazing power, but when used destructively, is devastating.

Except for some allegations of actual rape and serious violent sexual assault, far too much of the behavior spelled out in the #MeToo movement is not criminal. The women who have climbed the career ladders using sex is not insignificant and cannot be downplayed in the #MeToo movement, regardless of how many of them signed “the letter.”

Michelle Wolf, the vile comedian who hosted the White House Correspondents Association annual event Saturday, madedisgusting jokes during her 15-minute monologue, mocking White House Press Secretary Sanders’ appearance saying, “I’m just excited Sarah finally gets to go to prom,” a reference to the dinner’s reputation for being a “nerd prom.” Andcalling Sanders “an Uncle Tom but for white women who disappoint other white women.”

Just last week, news legend Tom Brokaw was… Read More

Katy Grimes

CA Democrats Repeating Rent Control Insanity

The definition of insanity is to repeat the same mistake over and over again, while hoping for a different, better outcome. Such is the latest case of the predictable Left, turning once again to another failed sociological experiment —capping or regulating rents artificially, more commonly known as “Rent Control.” Democrats in California are once again imposing rent control initiatives through state and local ballot measures, including theSacramento Renter Protection And Community Stabilization Charter Amendment.

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