Inside Dope
No-I’m not talking about any member of the Legislature. I’m talking about inside information about what is happening on the budget. I had a conversation with one capitol insider who told me the budget will be adopted with a tax increase. So I called around to see what others thought. The general consensus was that wouldn’t happen.
The basic reason–the Governor needs 9 Assembly Republicans to vote for the budget. Three Assembly Democrats, Parra, Calderon, and Soto,aren’t voting for the budget (Parra and Calderon won’t and Soto is ill and can’t). That means 9 Assembly Republicans have to put up yes votes. However, 31 of the 32 Republican members of the Assembly have signed no new taxes pledges and won their primaries because they signed those pledges, that means at least 8 Republicans would have tobreak their promises to theirvoters in order for this budget to pass with tax increases. I’m betting that doesn’t happen, for several reasons.
(1)Most Assembly members believe they have apolitical career after the Assembly. As my earlier post showed, any Republican who votes for a tax… Read More