Posted by Mike Spence at 12:00 am on Aug 20, 2008 1 Comment
Come Hell or High-water Ron George likes getting his way.
Whether it isre-defining marriage to his liking, ignoring
previous decisions to get the parental consent result he wanted,
violating private property rights or religious rights, Ron George
and the Imperial Court he runs gets his way.
Now, George through the Judicial Council is poised to get his
way with courthouses and a 10 billion dollar revenue bond through
SB 1407.
SB 1407 raises fees on all kinds of court filings including
parking tickets, family court filings, traffic violations and
attending traffic school in order to get 5 billion dollars worth of
money for courthouse construction.
Whats wrong with that? Lots of reasons.
Why are courthouses getting special budgetary treatment over
other budgetary items? Shouldn’t the General fund make them a
priority?Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association thinks so, they oppose
the bill.
Maybe we could re- allocate a mere $500 million a year and not
pay billions in interest. It takes 10 billion in fees to get 5
billion in buildings.
This is an end run around the people of California that rejected
courthouse bonds in the past. An end… Read More