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James V. Lacy

Candidate statements and election official “willful neglect”

Election officials have a duty to the public to ensure a fair election that is so strong, that "willful neglect" on their part is a crime. Elections Code Section 18002. Hold that thought.

I am working on an electioncase, (but will not mentionthe candidates or other merits of the case), here in Orange County. Part of the case focuses on a candidate’s ballot statement of qualifications. The statement of qualifications is the two hundred word statement that nonpartisan candidates are allowed to place in the voter pamphlet for distribution to the voters. State law prescribes the text a candidate can use in the ballot statement, which is intended to include information only about the candidate’s background and experience. The statement is subject to a10-daypublic viewing period where the public may raise objections to the statement.

Because the candidate statement is intended to focus on the qualifications of the candidate only, for years, courts found it illegal for a candidate to mention the name of an opponent, even in friendly terms, in their statements, and courts would expunge such language in… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Box to Blow Up #2

After some wonderful feedback from people all over California regarding purging state government of the Tire Unit of the Integrated Waste Management Board I have several others to add to the list.

My second suggestion would be to let the free market work in regards to hearing aid regulation. Somehow I don’t think too many people would suffer harm.

You can read more about the Hearing Aide Dispensers Bureau here.

This is hardly the kind of government that is going to be missed if it was eliminated.

Don’t raise taxes of any kind to save this part of state government. Eliminate it and let’s move on to a smaller more efficient state government.

This would be a great box to blow up.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

ATR’s Grover Norquist Strongly Condemns Sales Tax Hike Proposal

Grover Norquist the President of Americans for Tax Reform has issued a strong statement against Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s proposed large sales tax increase, which is a center piece to his current budget proposal. This follows up on an a column he penned for the FlashReport which ran last week. Also of note from Norquist — FR readers may recall that we blogged about a group of self-described affluent folks who wrote to the legislature asking to be taxed at a higher rate to help solve the budget problems. Norquist sent a letter to the Governor and legislature in response to this, which is attached below his statement on the tax plan…it is a mustRead More

Jon Fleischman

Governor’s Office Responds to Yesterday’s Commentary

In response to my commentary yesterday, Governor Schwarzenegger’s office sent over a list of what they felt were "inaccuracies" in my piece. Immediately below, in burgundy, are the critiques I received. Immediately below that, in green, are my comments on their input. I appreciate the Governor’s office taking the time to respond, and hope that you will take some time to review this dialogue…

FROM THE GOVERNOR’S OFFICE "…his plan will still leave California with a $7 billion deficit next year."

INACCURATE: The Governor’s proposed budget compromise leaves the state… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Governor’s Office Responds to Yesterday’s Commentary

In response to my commentary yesterday, Governor Schwarzenegger’s office sent over a list of what they felt were "inaccuracies" in my piece. Immediately below, in burgundy, are the critiques I received. Immediately below that, in green, are my comments on their input. I appreciate the Governor’s office taking the time to respond, and hope that you will take some time to review this dialogue…

FROM THE GOVERNOR’S OFFICE… **There is more – click the link**

View Full CommentaryRead More

Jon Fleischman

6 Californians slotted to speak at RNC Convention

Who are they?

-Carly Fiorina, former HP CEO

-Meg Whitman, former eBay CEO

-Rosario Marin, CA Agency Second’y, former U.S. Treasureer

-U.S Rep. Kevin McCarthy, Platform Comm. Chairman

-State Senator Dennis Hollingsworth

-State Senator Abel Maldonado

Of course, we’ll see if the latter two go to the convention. There’s no “deal” that would get Hollingsworth’s vote — but undoubtedly Maldonado would be in the thick of one — if one comes about.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Hollingsworth on RNC Convention Agenda in Error

A few minutes ago, I called longtime FR friend and State Senator Dennis Hollingsworth to congratulate him on being named a speaker at the RNC Convention next week in Minneapolis. Imagine my shock when he responded by saying that my call was the first he had heard of it. I forwarded him the official agenda, and we both looked it over while on the phone. Yes, there was no doubt, he was set to speak… Of course, he had no plans to attend… Go figure. I left him undoubtedly contemplating the trip — with such an honor bestowed upon him.

The immediate thought that came to mind was whether or not there were other speakers who had no idea they were supposed to speak.

Well, just a couple of minutes after I got off of the phone with the Senator his office received a call from the RNC — profusely apologizing that his name was listed as a speaker erroneously! Doh!

What does Dennis have to say about this mix up? “They must have thought I was Jeff Denham, and when they realized I wasn’t, they pulled the plug. I guess this will be my five minutes of fame for this convention.”… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Here is a box to blow up

The district I represent consists of about 2/3 of the people of Woodland and less than 200 people in the Elkhorn area of Yolo County.

After meeting with the people in the unincorporated area of my district we decided to work together to pick up some of the trash that people have dumped along the roadways.

The picture associated with this post was taken less than two weeks ago on one of the rural roads near the Sacramento River. There are several places where "city folks" just dump their trash on the side of the road.

So I decide that we are going to clean up this stuff. I hate trash and it is something that needs to be handled. Perfect thing for a County Supervisor to do.

We are pretty close to getting everything worked out so that I can use my personal funds to get Waste Management to send out a dumpster and I can hire a couple people to pick this stuff up. In addition to the stuff you see here we have other spots with sofas, chairs, televisions, kids toys, TIRES and all kinds of other stuff. Things were all set… Read More

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