Posted by Congressman Doug LaMalfa at 12:00 am on Sep 02, 2008 Comments Off on A New World Record
Update: The Assembly session for
Wednesday noon is canceled with no new session yet
Now that we have a new record for lateness for the state budget,
perhaps we can get down to wrapping one up. [The true
lateness record for a budget receiving a governor’s signature is
Sep 5]
Both houses worked Sunday to finish the years legislation as the
31st was the last day to get ‘normal’, check that, ‘regular’ bills
out. The Assembly finished about 5:30 PM and I heard the
Senate gaveled down at 1 PM, right in the middle of a bill
presentation, with others still on their file. Oh well.
The budget sides are almost as equally polarized between the
Assembly and Senate Dems themselves as it is a Reep vs Dem
thing. Now with the ‘distractions’ behind us of the Dem
convention and the deadline for legislation, with the 2 houses
holding the others bills hostage, exchanging a few at a time each
day, the budget should be the only focus.
Lost in the stalling antics were the opportunity to… Read More