Sunday San Diego: Republican Goldsmith Rolling in Dem Endorsements
In perhaps San Diego’s highest profile run-off election in the last several years, Judge Jan Goldsmith is taking on incumbent Democrat City Attorney Mike Aguirre. Goldsmith, endorsed by the San Diego GOP prior to the primary, is now pulling in one Democratic endorsement after another.
Goldsmith was clearly a moderate as a state assemblyman. Yet, at a time when many simply desire stability in the city attorney’s office, his call for a lack of partisanship is serving him well as a coalition builder. The Dem support for Goldsmith not only shows an across-the-board respect for his capabilities, it also signifies the overwhelming disdain for Aguirre’s job as the city attorney, regardless of party.
Aguirre, a longtime liberal Democrat, successfully ran four years ago as a reform crusader against the pension-debacle powers-that-be of both parties at City Hall, those responsible for making San Diego the “Enron by the Sea." Once elected, his continuing crusade may have cost him previous big labor support, but he also became something of a darling among many fiscal conservatives and some Republicans. They cheered his willingness to call a spade a… Read More