Posted by BOE Member George Runner at 12:00 am on Sep 04, 2008 1 Comment
The problem with stories about California’s prison system is
they are based on fiction more than facts; hyperbole more than
rational thinking.
But high drama sells newspapers far more than just telling the
boring truth. And everyone knows that newspapers – including
titans of yore like the Sac Bee – are struggling.
So Californians are led to believe that our prison system is
wildly out of control and filled with non-violent offenders who are
nothing more than victims of medieval laws brought forth by
First, California’s prison population has increased by 13,000
between 1998 and 2008, from 158,000 to 171,000. This 8%
increase is far slower growth than the general population increase
for that same time period. California’s state population grew
almost twice as fast from 33 million people to over 38 million
people in the past 10 years.
Furthermore, all of the prison growth can be attributed to
inmates committed for violent crime including an increase of 6,300
for homicide, 2,500 for child molestation, and 2,400 for
robbery. During the same period, the population of inmates
committed for property and drug crimes declined by… Read More