Arnold’s Budget Gauntlet
There are a lot of valid reasons for Republican legislators to be upset with Arnold Schwarzenegger. But while voting to override his veto of the state budget would provide some visceral and potentially justifiable feelings of retribution toward a governor who pays them much less attention than they would like, it's not a valid public policy position for a conservative elected official.
There are understandable reasons for a conservative lawmaker to be tempted by the budget that passed the Legislature earlier this week. It doesn't raise taxes, at least according to some definitions. It does implement some spending reductions. It takes the first tentative steps toward budget reform. Most importantly, the long ugly summer has turned into a potentially longer and uglier autumn, and the service providers and editorial writers are screaming for action.
But none of those are reasons for overriding a Schwarzenegger veto. While it's an adroit political maneuver to point out that the so-called revenue “accelerators” that speed up tax and withholding collections originated in his administration's Department of Finance, it doesn't… Read More