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Dan Schnur

Arnold’s Budget Gauntlet

There are a lot of valid reasons for Republican legislators to be upset with Arnold Schwarzenegger. But while voting to override his veto of the state budget would provide some visceral and potentially justifiable feelings of retribution toward a governor who pays them much less attention than they would like, it's not a valid public policy position for a conservative elected official.

There are understandable reasons for a conservative lawmaker to be tempted by the budget that passed the Legislature earlier this week. It doesn't raise taxes, at least according to some definitions. It does implement some spending reductions. It takes the first tentative steps toward budget reform. Most importantly, the long ugly summer has turned into a potentially longer and uglier autumn, and the service providers and editorial writers are screaming for action.

But none of those are reasons for overriding a Schwarzenegger veto. While it's an adroit political maneuver to point out that the so-called revenue “accelerators” that speed up tax and withholding collections originated in his administration's Department of Finance, it doesn't… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Former LA Mayor Riordan, a GOPer, endorses Obama, because “he’s young…”

Former Los Angeles Mayor, Republican Richard Riordan has reached to the far left side of the political spectrum to endorse Barack Obama

Here is what Riordan specifically has to say — "I think he [Obama] is a much more open person. He’s young He has more energy, more electricity. When I was Mayor, I had dealings with McCain where I didn’t respect him."

But don’t take my word for it, you can see the video from KCAL9 in Los Angeles here, where Riordan attended Obama’s big bling-bling Hollywood fundraising event with Barbra Streisand.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

What is a good trade-off for a tax hike? Is there one?

Someone asked me this morning if there was any kind "budget deal" that contained a good enough spending/budget reform that would allow me to support a tax increase.

I thought about this for a while, and came to the conclusion that the answer is actually yes. But the spending/budget reform that would get me to that point is hardly something that the liberals who run the legislature would be open to supporting. I would need to have a true "Gann" style cap that places a hard limit on the size of state government — where state income is not allowed to expand beyond a specific formula factoring in population growth and inflation.

Of course this reform requires a vote of the people, so I guess it would have to be tied to the tax increase so that we either got both or nothing.

What is really needed, of course, is the limit, and tax cuts, as we really need to reduce the size of state government. But recognizing politics involves some give and take — this is the limit of my "generosity" on the tax issue.

Today the Governor is meeting with legislative leaders to discuss the budget. Of course, the… Read More

Meredith Turney

When Republicans Act Like Democrats, Health Care Costs Go Up

A legislative override of the governor’s budget veto is looking likely. And if the governor follows through on his threat to veto all the bills sent to him in retaliation, Californians will be saved from lots of onerous, dangerous new laws. One of those new laws is AB 1945.

This bill expands opportunities for trial attorneys to sue health insurers and creates a strong incentive for the unscrupulous to defraud health insurance companies. The end result would be higher premiums for everyone, pricing more Californians out of the market and eliciting calls by the Left to "reduce rising costs" by moving toward a single-payer system—e.g., government-run health care.

Unsurprisingly, AB 1945 is a Democratic bill. But nine Assembly Republicans actually voted for this step towards socialized medicine: Todd Spitzer, Tom Berryhill, Greg Aghazarian, Paul Cook, Bonnie Garcia, Shirley Horton, Guy Houston, George Plescia and Jim Silva.

AB 1945 started as a reasonable health insurance bill before being hijacked by the Consumer Attorneys of California… Read More

Wal-Mart Women Activate

Your friends at Wal-Mart have embarked on an ambitious plan to register "Wal-Mart women" to vote.

Even Wal-Mart with their 200-plus California locations can’t make CA a red state but Democrats nationally should worry about this effort. Research conducted by my firm shows that Wal-Mart shoppers are not Obama voters. McCain-Palin will benefit in a big way from these new registrations across the country.

The effort by Wal-Mart is a noble one, they have a large audience, 130+ million US visitors a week and 1.4 million associates. It is hard to criticize the retail giant for trying to increase civic participation. Although someone will.

Wal-Mart’s in-house TV network will feature a public service announcement on voter registration and urge shoppers and workers alike to visit a Wal-Mart sponsored web page that guides wannabe voters to the appropriate forms to fill out.

Wal-Mart… Read More

Jon Fleischman

McClintock Hopes Governor’s Veto Will Be Upheld

I won’t go into the irony of Governor Schwarzenegger’s office pushing out a quote from Senator Tom McClintock. But I think it is worthwhile for FR readers to see (and hear) what McClintock has to say about this budget proposal, and whether the Governor’s veto should be upheld.

Apparently McClintock appeared on the John & Ken Show yesterday… The exchange on this issue went this way…

QUESTION: “What did you think of the Governor’s Veto?” SENATOR MCCLINTOCK: “I think he’s absolutely right. The budget that was adopted this morning makes the problem significantly worse. It defies the first law of holes, which is, when you’re in one; stop digging. We dug an eleven billion dollar hole this past year. That is, we spent $11 billion more than we took in during the past year. ThisRead More

Jon Fleischman

We have an ugly budget that holds the line on taxes — but will it get a veto?

In the wee hours this morning, the California State Assembly, following behind the Senate who had done so hours before, passed along to Governor Schwarzenegger a budget that represents the collision of two immutable forces — Democrats who simply refuse to reduce state spending to a reasonable amount, and Republican legislators who finally have said "enough is enough" and refuse to raise taxes any longer to feed the overspending.

The result is, as Jon Coupal of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association calls it in a column on the FlashReport today, a budget that is ugly, but holds the line on taxes. And we agree, this budget is an unfortunate one, because it doesn’t represent what Californians deserve, but it likely represents the best that they are going to get, given the dominance of the radical left in the building.

It is widely accepted that one of the items that actually moved the budget negotiations away from a "Democrats with Arnold" model to a "Big Four"… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Have a second? Read the budget!

If you need the case for reforming the budget-drafting process, then take two minutes to read the budget bill here. Good luck though, it would take a seasoned state policy expert a much longer time to even delve into this document. And it doesn’t even include the 27 trailer bills.

If the process is working correctly, authentic budget negotiations (you know, between Republicans and Democrats) would take place in the normal Budget Committee process. But of course that doesn’t happen now, as the majority party rams through "their" budget through committee on a majority vote — disregarding the fact that it takes a 2/3 vote to pass the budget in each chamber. It’s worthy of note that Senator Jeff Denham introduced legislation to do just this — which was voted down by Democrats.

So now just about everyone has to play "catch up" and figure out what the heck is in this mammoth and recently released budget language.… Read More

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