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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Budget Fixes To Be Taken Up Friday Afternoon

The Senate will go into session at4 PM Friday and the Assembly will thenmeet at 5 PM to vote on the fixes that were hammered out this afternoon with the Governor and the other Big 4 leaders, avoiding the veto and the veto override threats.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Override Hits First Bumps — Ugly Trailer Bill Would Need GOP Votes — Also, Governor threatening to put away blue pencil?

OVERRIDE CHALLENGE #1 It would appear that the first major sticky wicket has popped up in efforts to override the pending veto by Governor Schwarzenegger of the budget that has been shipped his was by the legislature. One (unfortunate) component of this compromise budget is that around $5 billion dollars of the "gap" (the shortfall that needed to be made up because Republicans correctly refuse to raise taxes and Democrats refuse to make more needed cuts in spending) is "made up" by forcing California taxpayers to, in essence, pay their taxes earlier in the year.

That particular component of the budget deal was in a trailer bill which required only a majority vote. To my understanding, no GOPers went up on that rather ugly part of the sausage-deal.

Well, if the Governor does veto the budget and trailer bills, suddenly that component part will need a 2/3 vote — which means a pretty good number of Republicans would have… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Override Hits First Bumps — Ugly Trailer Bill Would Need GOP Votes — Also, Governor threatening to put away blue pencil?

OVERRIDE CHALLENGE #1 It would appear that the first major sticky wicket has popped up in efforts to override the pending veto by Governor Schwarzenegger of the budget that has been shipped his was by the legislature. One (unfortunate) component of this compromise budget is that around $5 billion dollars of the "gap" (the shortfall that needed to be made up because Republicans correctly refuse to raise taxes and Democrats refuse to make more needed cuts in spending) is "made up" by forcing California taxpayers to, in essence, pay their taxes earlier in the year.

That particular component of the budget deal was in a trailer bill which required only a majority vote. To my understanding, no GOPers went up on that rather ugly part of the sausage-deal.

Well, if the Governor does veto the budget and trailer bills, suddenly that component part will need a 2/3 vote — which means a pretty good number of Republicans would have… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Chris Cox Needs To Resign

We can dither about California politics all we want here, but Wall Street is imploding on the watch of Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox (pictured right, Cox was a long-time Californai Congressman before being appointed to his SEC post by President Bush in 2006), and he needs to be fired or resign immediately. There are many components feeding the crisis in banking and equity markets, but the SEC has failed in its oversite responsiblities under Cox.

The "regulations" set to go into effect tomorrow are merely enforcement actions of laws on the books already. Christopher Cox needs to exit the stage – now. His lack of proactive leadership has cost Americans trillions of dollars of net worth already.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The Veto Override Vote – What’s A Republican Legislator To Do?

[Publisher’s Note – This particular opinion piece rambles on a bit. Somewhere in this is a point to be made. Discerning readers will have to figure it out… Flash]

There is definitely no road map for a conservative legislator when dealing with the state budget debacle, which is why if you look at the vote’s on the state budget in the Senate and Assembly, Republicans are split – many reliably conservative legislators voted for the bill, while still many others voted against it.

Welcome to the intersection of policy and politics. I mean, let’s be clear. The budget that sits on Governor Schwarzenegger’s desk, that he has vowed to veto on Friday (presumably Friday to maximize inconvenience to legislators who would have to come up on the weekend for a potential over-ride vote, with one Assemblyman, Lloyd Levine, having to choose between a budget vote in Sacramento, and his own wedding in Seattle), is riddled with reasons for a conservative to vote no. Frankly, it doesn’t contain nearly enough… Read More

Ray Haynes

Vote To Override

The Governor’s petulance over the budget vote is just the latest in his exercise of ego as an element of government policy. It is now clear that he cares little about anything other than getting his own way. Policy has long ago left any discussion. In his mind, it is now all about the Governor.

While it is true the budget is flawed, it has one major benefit. Recessions do not last forever, revenues will recover and will recover soon. Spending that extra money on current bills, rather than program expansions prevents even worse spending crises in the future. The only time this Governor exercised any spending restraint was when he was paying off the bills incurred by Gray Davis. Maybe if we force him to pay off the bills he incurred yesterday from future revenues, we can prevent this spendthrift from sending the state into another budget crisis.

And that is why his criticism today is so hypocritical. It was his spending policies that created this mess. It was his deals with the Democrats that cause the collapse of the current budget. For him to criticize this budget, which is attempting to fix his mess, on the grounds that it doesn’t… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Veto Override Vote – What’s A Republican Legislator To Do?

[Publisher’s Note – This particular opinion piece rambles on a bit. Somewhere in this is a point to be made. Discerning readers will have to figure it out… Flash]

There is definitely no road map for a conservative legislator when dealing with the state budget debacle, which is why if you look at the vote’s on the state budget in the Senate and Assembly, Republicans are split – many reliably conservative legislators voted for the bill, while still many others voted against it.

Welcome to the intersection of policy and politics. I mean, let’s be clear. The budget that sits on Governor Schwarzenegger’s desk, that he has vowed to veto on Friday (presumably Friday to maximize inconvenience to legislators who would have to come up on the weekend for a potential over-ride vote, with one Assemblyman, Lloyd Levine, having to choose between a budget vote in Sacramento, and his own wedding in Seattle), is riddled with reasons for a conservative to vote no. Frankly, it doesn’t… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Yes On 11 Blasts CCPOA in Web Spot

The Prop 11 folks (Governor, League of Women Voters, Common Cause, have launched a web-ad that blasts the opponents of Prop. 11 for taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from the state’s prison guard union. Here is the ad… I did note with some consternation that Prop. 11 proponents have listed disgraced, recalled ex-Governor Gray Davis as a supporter of their measure. I find that to be quite odd. You would think that being recalled from office by the voters would buy you a permanent home in the halls of infamy — is Gray Davis on a comeback?… Read More

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