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Matt Rexroad

It is the lie that gets them

For those of you that have not seen the cult classic Signs, Lies, and Videotapes I will have to look into the copyright issues and get that up on YouTube somewhere.

For those of you that have — we have a new edition to the story.

KERN radio personality Scott Cox adds his name to the Hall of Shame next to Rich Sybert and a host of others. You can read the story here in the Bakersfield Californian.

It is not the signs that really gets people — it is the cover up and the lies.

Note: The discipline involved in the Strickland campaign when this happened was also a major part of the story. Instead of blasting Sybert immediately they waited and let him hang himself for good with the lie he told shortly after the incident.… Read More

Tab Berg

McCain to suspend campaign to deal with financial crisis?

News reports all over the place that John McCain is suspending his campaign to deal with the financial crisis and the $700 Billion dollar bailout plan.

Obama initially refused McCain’s invitation to return to DC to deal with the problem.

FoxNews reports the story here…but its on nearly every news outlet.

Here are the remarks from John McCain in New York today:

Remarks on the Economic Crisis by John McCain New York, Wednesday, September 24, 2008 America this week faces an historic crisis in our financial system. We must pass legislation to address this crisis. If we do not, credit will dry up, with devastating consequences for our economy. People will no longer be able to buy homes and their life savings will be at stake. Businesses will not have enough money to pay their employees. If we do not act, every corner of our country will be impacted. We cannot allow… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: FR Unveils 2008’s Top 20 Bills To Veto… The Worst Of The Worst

Today the FlashReport publishes its annual "Top Twenty Bills The Governor Should Veto" column. This year, I am pleased to announce that FR partnered with two Republican legislators, State Senator Bob Dutton and Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, in coming up with the list.

Here is my introduction to the list, and below that a link to the full column…

TIME TO USE THAT VETO PEN… Unfortunately for the people of California, the State Legislature is dominated by liberal Democrats. because of it, there were scores of bills passed by the legislature, over the objection of Republicans, that are on the Governor’s desk. In an effort to allow readers of the FlashReport to really get a handle on how well Governor Schwarzenegger is wielding his veto pen over the coming weeks, the FlashReport asked two of Sacramento’s most well-respected Republican legislators, State Senator BobRead More

Jon Fleischman

FR Unveils 2008’s Top 20 Bills To Veto… The Worst Of The Worst

Today the FlashReport publishes its annual "Top Twenty Bills The Governor Should Veto" column. This year, I am pleased to announce that FR partnered with two Republican legislators, State Senator Bob Dutton and Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, in coming up with the list.

Here is my introduction to the list, and below that a link to the full column…

TIME TO USE THAT VETO PEN… Unfortunately for the people of California, the State Legislature is dominated by liberal Democrats. because of it, there were scores of bills passed by the legislature, over the objection of Republicans, that are on the Governor’s desk. In an effort to allow readers of the FlashReport to really get a handle on how well Governor Schwarzenegger is wielding his veto pen over the coming weeks, the FlashReport asked two of Sacramento’s most well-respected Republican legislators, State Senator BobRead More

Jon Fleischman

Governor Signs Dem Bill To Outlaw Text Messaging While Driving

In an inasupicious start to his review of the FlashReport Top Twenty Bills He Should Veto, the Governor signed one into law today. A bill by liberal Democrat Joe Simitian that restricts personal freedoms of Californians — by banning text messaging while driving. Governor, just because things are stupid to do on the face of it, does not mean they should be illegal. Very disappointed, though perhaps not unexpected. If you need examples of the Governor using his bill-signing pen to alienate GOP legislators who promote inidividual respponsibility, here's a great example. Not too many GOPers supported Simitian's ill-advised bill — well, now it's an ill-advised law!… Read More

Brandon Powers

241 Debate, Part 2 – Sanity Makes A Comeback

Earlier this year, the California Coastal Commission, with the Grateful Dead literally playing in the background, decided to tube the completion of the 241 toll road on the grounds, well, to be quite honest, there weren’t many grounds for their decision.

Since that flight of hippy three ring circus fancy, cold economic and environmental facts began to become clear as the federal government stepped in and announced that they would take a look at overruling the Coastal Commission. Today, while many of the same interests converged on the Del Mar Fairgrounds as did in February, the Commerce Department took charge and the difference was as stark as that between the Dead and real life.

In real life, recent studies have proven what any kindergartener knows – boulders, like the ones that form surf breaks, are heavier than the inch or two of silt that may, during hurricane type runoff be deposited on the beach from the always dry creekbed five miles away that the 241 will be built some thirty feet over via viaduct.

And in real life, the Commission’s rulingputs more commuters on the 5 and local streets – causing the pollution that the enviros say they… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa on the Proposed Federal Bail Out Of Wall Street

Some sanity from the halls of Congress, from California Republican Congressman Darrell Issa

As disturbing as the volatility and turmoil on Wall Street are, the prospect of transferring trillions of dollars of risk and losses to taxpayers is appalling. How can any American look their neighbor in the eye and suggest that they should bear the losses for the mistakes and greed of America’s wealthiest financial firms. I am emphatically against it.

Accountability is a pillar of our free market economic system. The market rewards good business decisions and punishes bad ones. The course of action supported by the Administration and the Congressional leadership undermines this fundamental principle by bailing out those on WallRead More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa on the Proposed Federal Bail Out Of Wall Street

Some sanity from the halls of Congress, from California Republican Congressman Darrell IssaAs disturbing as the volatility and turmoil on Wall Street are, the prospect of transferring trillions of dollars of risk and losses to taxpayers is appalling. How can any American look their neighbor in the eye and suggest that they should bear the losses for the mistakes and greed of America’s wealthiest financial firms. I am emphatically against it. Accountability is a pillar of our free market economic system. TheRead More

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