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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Forks Please

Mike Lumpkin is well-spoken and professional, a retired Navy Seal commander and genuinely nice guy. If he were a Republican running for local office, the GOP might very well be touting his credentials. But, for whatever reason, Lumpkin is running as a “suicide” Democratic candidate in a strongly Republican congressional seat, one that will stay in that column even in the worst of GOP national scenarios four weeks hence.

For all the saber rattling by Lumpkin supporters before the primary that the 52nd Congressional District would be different this November, things are quiet now. His partisans (well, a handful of ‘em at least) once filled the local blogs with “talk” of change in the conservative East County seat.

Duncan D. Hunter is well-spoken and professional, a former Marine lieutenant, current captain in the USMC Reservesand genuinely nice guy. He is also a conservative Republican. He cakewalked to a primary win, literally blowing the other GOP contenders away, while mathematically showing what many political folk knew all along – that a Democrat ain’t gonna win this seat.

All of a sudden, it seems, the Lumpkin backers knew they… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

My Sunday Rant From Fresno

Federal Government – BROKE. California – BROKE. County Governments – BROKE. City Governments – BROKE. School Districts – BROKE.

There is the scorecard. And this is just what we know about government budgets and balance sheets. The unfunded pension, welfare and health care liabilities aren’t even known to most citizens or elected officials. They don’t even think about it. Many of them don’t have the intellectual capacity to even understand it.

We, as taxpayers, have provided record – let me repeat – record high levels of revenue to all levels of government – and it has been squandered. How do I define squandered? My definition is simple – there has not been an improvement in government services remotely commensurate with the increase in spending – thus, government has pillaged the taxpayer. And the taxpayer is helpless. Most of us have just thrown up our hands. The Pirates have taken over the ship.

The solution favored by a slight majority of the country is to elect someone to the Presidency who is without any peer in utter lack of experience. Obama has… Read More

Shawn Steel

Abandoning Michigan? No way says Sarah.

Either it’s a classic pr bungle or a brilliant covert strategy. Superficially it appears that the McCain team’s very public but unprecedented announcement, McCain was "abandoning" Michigan cannot be seen as a sigh of of strength. All polls during the summer months showed a close race. In fact, the Michigan GOP raised an unprecedented $8,000,000 the strongest effort in memory. The state Chairman himself was not informed. He read about the evacuationin the press.

Still, it must be a McCain campaign ruse. Let the Obama folks think they got a state where they lost badly to Hillary.

Just today Sarah Palin was quoted in writing an e-mail " Oh come on, you know, do we have to? Do we have to call it there? Todd and I, we’d be happy to get to Michigan…I want to try."

Looks like we have a solution. Send Sarah to win.… Read More

Shawn Steel

Republican Woodstock – – Sarah takes LA

Not since Ronald Reagan’s final campaign rally at Orange County’s Mile Square Park on the eve of the 1984 election, have thousands of Californian Republicans gathered.Neither Bush could do it. None of last year’s Republican presidential candidates could fill the Home Depot Tennis Center.

The Center has 13,000 court side seats. All those seats plus the suites were filled to capacity. Still thousands more were slowly streaming into the stadium quickly filled up the court yard. Thousands more found standing room around the rim of the stadium. Over 20,000 people were there to celebrate, shout and scream. It was a party. Lots of families, lots of color, and a whole lot of women. Yet, the clouds overhead were threatening with a little misty rain.

The crowd waited patiently for hours. The tickets were hard to get. Many people had to give several hours at local McCain/Palin HQ’s to get inside. It was hard to imagine our side could fill a stadium, with a few days notice and no advertising in LA.

StateCRP Chairman Ron Nehring, started the show by giving acheerful talk inspiring the troops. Next Tony Strickland, in the state’s… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: AD 80 – Chariot Survey Shows Jeandron With 6.3% Lead

Assembly District 80 will be one of the most competitive in the California this November. This is the seat where incumbent Republican Bonnie Garcia barely won reelection in 2006, but is now retiring due to term limits. The GOP nominee for the seat is former Palm Springs Police Chief Gary Jeandron, a strong conservative. The Democrats have put forward as their nominee Manuel Perez, a liberal (so much for theory that competitive districts producing moderate nominees). Voters will have two candidates with contrasting political philosophies and visions for the future of the Golden State.

So how are things looking in this race? Longtime FR friend Jamie Fisfis is the principal of Chariot Research, and is well respected for his acumen in the public opinion (polling) field. He is just out of the field with a survey of voters in AD 80, and has shared the results with FR.

Here is what Fisfis presented to us…… Read More

Barry Jantz

Issa “Kicking the Can Down the Street”

Yes, we often refrain from press releases in deference to original blog content, but this pretty much says it all….

Issa Statement on House Passage of Bailout

Washington, DC – Congressman Darrell Issa today made the following statement following the House’s passage of the $700 Billion bailout:

"The vote today to pass a Wall Street bailout package is a tragic defeat for taxpayers. We are being saddled with a $700 billion bill for risky decisions made by Wall Street financiers and a plan that has little chance of resolving the underlying problems in the financial markets. Taxpayers are outraged, and they should be.

"The last two weeks have revealed to the American people the breadth of the failure on the part of federal regulators, the Bush Administration and Congressional leaders. With a manufactured sense of urgency they spread panic through the markets, shattered Americans confidence in the banking system,Read More

Jon Fleischman

AD 80 – Chariot Survey Shows Jeandron With 6.3% Lead

Assembly District 80 will be one of the most competitive in the California this November. This is the seat where incumbent Republican Bonnie Garcia barely won reelection in 2006, but is now retiring due to term limits. The GOP nominee for the seat is former Palm Springs Police Chief Gary Jeandron, a strong conservative. The Democrats have put forward as their nominee Manuel Perez, a liberal (so much for theory that competitive districts producing moderate nominees). Voters will have two candidates with contrasting political philosophies and visions for the future of the Golden State.

So how are things looking in this race? Longtime FR friend Jamie Fisfis is the principal of Chariot Research, and is well respected for his acumen in the public opinion (polling) field. He is just out of the field with a survey of voters in AD 80, and has shared the results with FR.

Here is what Fisfis presented to us…… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

State’s Balance Sheet Biggest Obstacle To Borrowing

Todays Roundup depicts our illustrious Governor with his hand out for a "bailout" from the federal government. He needs $7 billion to make ends meet.

Why isn’t there a market for California’s bonds? Because the State’s balance sheet is a mess. Period.

It’s not a function of the credit markets – its a function of the mess Arnold has made of the State’s finances.… Read More

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