The Battle for Glendale: Jane vs. the Interloper
During the peak of the Reagan Revolution, fewer big cities were more reliable Republican than Glendale, an older suburb near Los Angeles. Glendale produced heroes Pat Nolan, former Assembly Republican Leader and Prop 13 baby [1978 to 1994] and Congressman James Rogan [1996 to 2000] of Impeachment fame, now a Superior Court Judge.
But things began to change in Glendale. Pat Nolan’s block by block precinct organization deteriorated. Demographics shifted. Democrats saw a golden opportunity and took over this once proud Republican stronghold, the assembly, the senate and the congressional seats.
Something is astir in the Glendale. Jane Barnett move back after serving the conservative movement in Sacramento and Morton Blackwell’s Leadership Institute in Washington DC. Shebegan to rebuild the invincible Nolan organization.
Jane is taking on incumbent Paul Krekorian, a former non descript school board member. district The 43rd. Assembly Districtis a former Republican stronghold. Jane seeks to return the district back to its natural home. … Read More