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Matt Rexroad

More campaign stuff from a public entity

Lucky me. I just got my second e-mail from the High Speed Rail Commission on the benefits of Prop 1A without them actually mentioning Prop 1A.

This one covers the benefits to the areas of the state that were not mentioned in the previous e-mails.

These are taxpayer funded communications that are meant to influence the electorate and news coverage about the pending ballot measure.

This is legal but completely wrong. Just as wrong as it was last week when they sent the first e-mail.

See e-mail here.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Special Session on Budget? Red Sharpie Time!

According to the Sacramento Bee, Governor Schwarzenegger is preparing to call a special session to deal with the massive, multi-billion dollar shortfall in this fiscal year’s budget (this doesn’t even address the even bigger shortfall anticipated for the FY 09-10 budget that would be adopted next year).

Apparently this session would be called in a couple of weeks (after the election) and it would impact the current legislature (many of whom will be departing from the legislature in early December).

We can only assume that this will be a “Live Within Our Means” belt tightening session, and I think that the resolve of this particular group of legislative Republicans to oppose any tax increases on Californians to resolve the negative impacts of a massive overspending problem is not only clear – but crystal clear.

So hopefully the Governor will open this special session by framing the issue as being the ongoing effects of spending more than we have (remember, state government spending ballooned over 40% in just three… Read More

James V. Lacy

ACORN; voter fraud and how Debra Bowen threatens our freedoms

“In my opinion, it is now becoming racketeering,” is how I described the voter registration fraud activities of ACORN, the liberal group, Barack Hussein Obama’s former client and current voter registration vendor, to a Christian Science Monitor reporter over the weekend. “That we see it now involving a multitude of states and a multitude of voters, I think at some level ACORN is becoming a criminal enterprise in its engagement of voter registration activities.” See

And there is plenty of proof that ACORN is mucking up the election to create more votes for Obama, even if they are going to be illegal votes. ACORN’s office in Las Vegas, Nevada (a swing state) was raided by government investigators last week. Claims are pending in 12 states about illegal voter registration activities, including registering one man 72 times who definitely lives in an Obama-leaning precinct.

And in the process of his… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Critical Dana Point Council Meeting Tomorrow — Who Will Stand Up Against Lavish Benefit Increases?

Quiet and sleepy Dana Point, California, occupies some of the most beautiful, and conservative real estate in the entire country. All of the Republicans in this left coast port town act as a symbolic counterbalance to Newport, Rhode Island, on the right coast.

With a town so Republican, it may come as some surprise that there is one Democrat on the City Council, Steve Weinberg – but he is more than offset by four card-carrying GOPers – Lisa Bartlett, Joel Bishop, Lara Anderson and Diane Harkey (who is off to Sacramento in December as a new member of the legislature).

With the conservative credentials of this Council, you have to ask yourself how, a week ago Tuesday, the first reading of a city ordinance passed that would increase the stipend (pay) of council members by 30% and provide taxpayer funded health care forRead More

Jon Fleischman

Monday Miscellany

LAST DAY TO REGISTER Have you registered to vote? TODAY is the last day for you to register to vote for this year’s Presidential election. So if you haven’t done so, yet, then mosey on over to the post office and pick up a voter registration form… Of course, registering to vote is only ½ of your commitment. You also have to actually cast your ballot – we recommend that you also pick up an absentee ballot application as well, and vote from the convenience of your own home! Of course, we also urge you to vote for candidates who promote smaller government, individual liberty and individual responsibility.

PROP. 2 – THE PROPOSTEROUS PROPOSITION I’ve heard this measure referred to as “human rights for chickens” as this measure, financed by the Humane Society of America, seeks to improve “living conditions” for chickens. OK, maybe I am the only one… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Monday Miscellany

LAST DAY TO REGISTER Have you registered to vote? TODAY is the last day for you to register to vote for this year’s Presidential election. So if you haven’t done so, yet, then mosey on over to the post office and pick up a voter registration form… Of course, registering to vote is only ½ of your commitment. You also have to actually cast your ballot – we recommend that you also pick up an absentee ballot application as well, and vote from the convenience of your own home! Of course, we also urge you to vote for candidates who promote smaller government, individual liberty and individual responsibility. PROP. 2 – THE PREPOSTEROUS PROPOSITION I’ve heard this measure referred to as “human rights for chickens” as this measure, financed by the Humane Society of America, seeks to improve “living… Read More

Jon Fleischman

SNL – Palin Opening Skit

Ok, Ok… Maybe if I post this, people will stop sending me links to it (I doubt it)… … Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Scouting and Taxes, CTA and Marriage, Google, San Fran and more

Leaving SDCTA is Hard to Do… I absolutely detest when I have the info before the “other media,” yet can’t do anything with it. San Diego County Taxpayers Association board member first, blogger second, and good soldier all the way around, apparently. My venting now out of the way…

In the wake of former CEO and President Lani Lutar’s fairly recent departure from Taxpayers, the organization has announced a replacement. Lani Lutar.

From SDCTA Chairman John O’Neill:

We are pleased to announce that Lani Lutar will be rejoining the Association as president and chief executive officer in early November … As our CEO, Lani demonstrated her ability to bring objectivity and intelligence to our analysis of issues. She provides important continuity as we scrutinize whatever steps local governments take in response to the international fiscal crisis … A comment from a recent communication to me from Lani says volumes: "There’s a lot of work ahead, but I’m prepared to roll up my sleeves and do what the Taxpayers Association does best –Read More

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