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Meredith Turney

Tom McClintock’s Last Debate of Campaign Season

In the course of the race to fill the 4th Congressional District seat, I’ve attended several debates featuring Tom McClintock—both in the primary and the general elections. At each of these debates one fact is certainly confirmed; a fact that I’m sure many Californians familiar with McClintock would share: you can’t win a debate with Tom McClintock. Unfortunately for Democrat candidate Charlie Brown, the universal truth of one’s inability to best Tom McClintock’s debating skills was affirmed this evening at their final debate of the campaign. Appearing before a standing-room-only crowd at the Nevada County South Chamber event, both candidates commented that this was the best attended debate thus far in the general election.

Charlie Brown’s opening statement reiterated his campaign’s theme of his 26-year service in the United States Air Force. For those unfamiliar with the 4th Congressional District’s recent history, Charlie Brown challenged sitting Congressman John Doolittle in 2006 and came within just a few percentage points of ousting the incumbent. Focusing on Doolittle’s past connection to disgraced (and criminal) former lobbyist Jack Abramoff,… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Poizner Criss-Crosses California for GOP and Candidates

Last Friday I penned a column here on the FlashReport that focused on former eBay Chairman Meg Whitman, and the aggressive role that she is playing as a National Co-Chairman of the McCain for President Campaign. In that piece, I mentioned that Whitman is in the process of looking at a run for the Republican nomination for Governor in 2010.

Well, in a very clear sign that even though this year’s Presidential contest has yet to be resolved, many are already looking to 2010, since publishing my piece on Whitman, I have been literally barraged with e-mails from FR readers all around California letting me know that Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner has been out to their local community. In many instances, there have been glowing words of praise for Poizner as a candidate for Governor along with those e-mails.

After getting a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CATO Pans Arnold In Its Annual Scorecard on Governors

The well regarded CATO Institute in Washington, D.C., has released their annual Fiscal Policy Report Card on America’s Governors. What do they have to say about Governor Schwarzenegger, who barely eeked out a "C" grade (thanks to GOPers stopping tax increases)? You can read the report online here (Page 13 has the California section) although you really should read the executive summary on Schwarzenegger’s performance, which I thought was spot-on. I have excerpted that below… Arnold Schwarzenegger, RepublicanRead More

Jon Fleischman

Poizner Criss-Crosses California for GOP and Candidates

Last Friday I penned a column here on the FlashReport that focused on former eBay Chairman Meg Whitman, and the aggressive role that she is playing as a National Co-Chairman of the McCain for President Campaign. In that piece, I mentioned that Whitman is in the process of looking at a run for the Republican nomination for Governor in 2010.

Well, in a very clear sign that even though this year’s Presidential contest has yet to be resolved, many are already looking to 2010, since publishing my piece on Whitman, I have been literally barraged with e-mails from FR readers all around California letting me know that Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner has been out to their local community. In many instances, there have been glowing words of praise for Poizner as a candidate for Governor along with those e-mails.

After getting a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Steve Poizner visits St. Johns Shelter in Sacramento

Today Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner spent some time at the St. John’s Shelter Program for Women & Children, in Sacramento. Poizner’s visit to this facility coincides with an annual week of volunteerism that is hosted by the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation. During the week of October 20, 2008, thousands of insurance employees will donate upwards of 12,000 service hours across the nation.

Poizner’s visit to St. John’s provides me with a long overdue opportunity to sing the praises of a good friend of the FlashReport, Michele Steeb. Formerly a Vice President with the California Chamber of Commerce, Michele left the political arena to focus on a charitable endeavor, and serves as Executive Director of St. Johns Shelter.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Meg Whitman donates $250,000 to No on 5

Hot off the presses, former eBay Chairman (and ersatz California Governor) Meg Whitman today took out her rather sizable checkbook, and wrote a rather sizable check to the campaign against Proposition 5, which we here at the FlashReport like to call the "Let Criminals Out of Jail" Measure. Law enforcement leaders, and frankly most political leaders around the state have unified against the measure (heck, anything that gets Orange County’s conservative D.A. Tony Rackauckas and actor Martin Sheen on the same side, against it, must suck on a whole new level).

Whitman’s contribution certainly represents a high-profile donation, and the No on 5 campaign can use it. While the initiative is terrible, the reality is that raising money to defeat it has been very difficult.

Of course, I have to finish off this post by juxtaposing some 2010 Gubernatorial politics. With this donation, Whitman will be sure to get a boost with law enforcement types, who are all opposed to this thing. If… Read More

Jon Fleischman

McClintock Takes Positions On Ballot Measures

Conservative icon and Congressional Candidate Tom McClintock has taken positions on the ballot measures appearing on the November ballot…

From McClintock…

Prop. 1A High Speed Rail Bond. NO: This is the most outrageously expensive boondoggle in California’s long history of outrageously expensive boondoggles. The ultimate cost of this project could end up exceeding $90 billion – or $10,000 per family – all for a train that goes from Los Angeles to San Francisco in two hours longer than it takes to fly. It’s brought to you by the same folks who botched Boston’s "Big Dig." (I’m one of the official opponents of this measure.)

Prop. 2 Farm Animals. NO: Sorry, but farm animals are food, not friends. Plan on somewhat happier cows and much higher grocery bills if this one passes.

Prop. 3 Hospital Bond. NO: Here’s a rather cynical measure that uses children as a front in order to lavish taxpayer funds on private hospital corporations.

Prop. 4 Parental Notification. YES: Parents must give written consent before their teenage daughters use a tanning booth or… Read More

Matt Rexroad

More campaign stuff from a public entity

Lucky me. I just got my second e-mail from the High Speed Rail Commission on the benefits of Prop 1A without them actually mentioning Prop 1A.

This one covers the benefits to the areas of the state that were not mentioned in the previous e-mails.

These are taxpayer funded communications that are meant to influence the electorate and news coverage about the pending ballot measure.

This is legal but completely wrong. Just as wrong as it was last week when they sent the first e-mail.

See e-mail here.… Read More

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