Photos PLEASE!
New Rule:
If you are running for anything, post a high-resolution photo of yourself on the Internet. Preferably several of them and on your own web page.
There are hundreds of independent efforts going on right now to support (and certainly some to oppose) candidates all over the state from water board to U. S. Representative. And many of these independent expenditure committees are scrambling to find photos of their favorite candidate for the direct mail.
Mail is much or effective with photos of the candidates.
While I am not a lawyer, I do believe it is legal to ask a candidate for a photo of themselves. Asking for a photo is not considered coordination. [Perhaps Dana Reed can comment and confirm my assertion]
However it is not always easy to reach the candidates and life would be a lot easier for everyone if you would all just get a high quality photo on the web.
You might be surprised by a positive piece of mail sometime soon if you do.… Read More