52nd Congressional Memo from Gilliard to Hunter: You get what you pay for
I attended the debate on Wed night when Mike Lumpkin made the referenced claim. His several supporters at the event were ecstatic … those in the know were simply amused. One person asked me how a candidate could only be three ponts ahead when polling his own supporters….
October 23, 2008
TO:Duncan D. Hunter
FR:Dave Gilliard
RE:Mike Lumpkin’s “informal poll” _____________________________________________________________________________________
I understand that Mike Lumpkin claimed during last night’s debate that he had an “informal poll” showing him “3 points ahead.”
While “informal” polls are worth what you pay for them, our last formal poll, about 14 days old and conducted by one of the top political pollsters in America, showed you with a very solid 23 point lead among likely General Election voters.
Since our poll was completed,… Read More