Meg Whitman Buys TV Time For Dianne Feinstein
Sometimes politics is filled with irony, and the latest commercial from the No on Proposition 5 folks is filled with it. In a rather high-profile move earlier in the week, former eBay CEO Meg Whitman opened up her checkbook and made a big contribution to the No on 5 Campaign – $250,000!
Shortly after she wrote her check, the No on 5 folks went up on television with the commercial below starring United States Senator Dianne Feinstein (I’ve seen it three times myself here in the Los Angeles media market).
The irony, of course, is that Meg Whitman has openly talked about a potential interest in running for Governor in 2010 as a Republican, and Senator Feinstein is often talked about as a potential candidate on the Democrat side of the aisle. As you start the commercial, you can see the required disclaimer at the bottom, indicating the No on 5 Committee’s major donors, including Whitman. Priceless!
On a closing note, I should say that it is getting harder and harder to figure out who actually supports Prop. 5.… Read More