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Barry Jantz

Using Tolerance to Promote Tolerance

No, this isn’t about Gandhi. But you have to admit, the following reader comments posted today to Chris Reed’s America’s Finest Blog entry on Prop8, are about as hilariously "ironical" as you’ll find….

Jenny (excerpted): "I’m a liberal democrat, and support Prop 8. I’ve supported gay rights since I was a teenager, but over the past few years, I’ve had my eyes opened to the cold hard facts that the gay activists are more interested in grinding an axe against the religious, than any kind of equality. Today for example, reading comments to an article online, I read comments by gays waging the no on prop 8 battle online, shrilly excusing the attack against a man who was only handing out lawn signs outside of a church, by a gay man who tried to steal the signs. The comments included that the religious don’t have rights, that they should get over it, and accept the fact that they would be challenged now at every turn and subject to derision.

"Those were the words of aRead More

Duane Dichiara

The Morning News – Ad Watch!

This morning I watched broadcast news from 8:45 to 9:05 and here is what I saw:

Block for 78th Assembly: 1 (although I’d note their buy is huge I just appear to be missing them) McCann for 78th Assembly: 1 Evans & Jackson for San Diego School Board: 1 Prop 4 No: 1 Prop 8 No: 1 Prop 2 No: 3 Prop 5 Yes: 1 Prop 7 Yes: 1 No on B: 1… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold Appears on Mailer for Andal. Does McCain want to win? Newspapers Lose More Readers

MSM PRINT NEWSPAPER CIRCULATIONS DROP, AGAIN Our friends in the main stream media print newspaper continue to feel the hit as readership continues to decline at a fairly rapid pace. More and more former readers of papers are instead turning to outlets like the internet to find their news. It seems like many papers are in a “death spiral” where the circulation drops, then the layoffs come (see here for the latest), and then the circulation drops more… and so on…

Some stats: LOS ANGELES TIMES — 739,147 — (-5.20%) SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE — 339,430 — (-7.07%) SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE — 269,819 — (-3.00%) THE SACRAMENTO BEE —… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Too Little, Too Late

San Ramon Mayor Abram Wilson is running to replace Guy Houston in the State Assembly. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed Wilson today. Today. One week before the general election. He is swinging by a Wilson fundraiser tomorrow evening when he’s in the neighborhood to help raise money for Prop. 11. But as Republicans struggle to keep, much less gain, seats in the State Legislature, you would think that our GOP governor would be working hard to help get fiscally conservative legislators elected. Especially since we’re looking at another ugly budget fight as soon as the new legislature takes office.

Perhaps this is just the way life is in a post-partisan world. But if Schwarzenegger is not willing to help a Bay Area Republican who has a host of bi-partisan endorsements, he deserves the pro-big government, high taxes, high spending Democratic-controlled legislature he’ll end up with next year.… Read More

Tab Berg

It’s not just the top of the ticket.

While the White House is the highest office in the land, a lot of governing happens at the local level. In fact, most of the decisions affecting our daily lives are made by city councils, school boards and county supervisors.

In that spirit, a group of Republicans, property rights advocates and miscellaneous North San Diego leaders have lined up to defeat far-far-left Oceanside City Councilwoman Esther Sanchez…

"Not Esther"

Sanchez – a public defender — opposes enforcement of immigration laws and even efforts to curb violent gangs. And, typical of the intolerant left, uses her office to punish those who disagree with her.

Oh yes, and for disclaimer, yes the PAC who paid for this is my client…… Read More

Mike Spence

My school district will teach gay marriage and Jack O’Connell knows it!

If Proposition 8 fails, my school district will teach gay marriage and Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell knows it!

Of course, school board members like me, some teachers, and some parents will resist this type of instruction. But like the Borg in the Star Trek Series, the law, education code, judges and pro-gay marriage groups will eventually force their “tolerant” view of gay marriage on all children in public schools.

This is how it will work in California public schools:

Education Code section 51933 makes it clear that schools that teach “comprehensive sex education” have to teach, “respect for marriage and committed relationships”. This is something no school district can get around.

It is the choice of school districts whether or not they teach sex education. This is why the Anti- Proposition 8 campaign and Jack O’Connell say there is no requirement to teach about marriage.

What Jack O’Connell knows but doesn’t say is that 96% of school districts teach comprehensive sex education. Those numbers are from O’Connell’sRead More

Mike Spence

Today’s Commentary: My school district will teach gay marriage and Jack O’Connell knows it!

If Proposition 8 fails, my school district will teach gay marriage and Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell knows it!

Of course, school board members like me, some teachers, and some parents will resist this type of instruction. But like the Borg in the Star Trek Series, the law, education code, judges and pro-gay marriage groups will eventually force their “tolerant” view of gay marriage on all children in public schools.

This is how it will work in California public schools:

Education Code section 51933 makes it clear that schools that teach “comprehensive sex education” have to teach, “respect for marriage and committed relationships”. This is something no school district can get around.

It is the choice of school districts whether or not they teach sex education. This is why the Anti- Proposition 8 campaign and Jack O’Connell say there is no requirement to teach about marriage.

What Jack O’Connell knows but doesn’t say is that 96% of school districts teach comprehensive sex education. Those numbers are from O’Connell’sRead More

Barry Jantz

SD City Attorney Survey: Goldsmith 50-38

As a follow up to my Sunday San Diego post on the race, here’s a KGTV Channel 10/Survey USA poll, from the news website….

Goldsmith Possibly Positioned to Topple Incumbent Aguirre in San Diego City Attorney Race: In an election for San Diego City Attorney held today, 10/24/08, eleven days until votes are counted, challenger Jan Goldsmith may have the strength to unseat incumbent Michael Aguirre, according to this latest exclusive KGTV-TV poll conducted by SurveyUSA. At this hour, it’s Goldsmith 50%, Aguirre 38%, Undecided 12%. Whites and Hispanics vote differently. Whites back the challenger. Hispanics back the incumbent. InRead More

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