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Mike Spence

From Donuts to Tequila

They are spreading the eats and drinks around. Donuts, Coffee, Donuts, Pizza, Donuts, Ice Cream, Donutsand yes..Tequila are all free to voters at various locations throughout Los Angeles County.

No word on what ACORN is offering folks. But there are free donuts.… Read More

Brandon Powers

Interesting Numbers As We Wait For The Polls To Close

As we wait these last few hours for the polls to close, I thought I’d share some interesting numbers sent out by the guys at Political Data.

Total Voters in California– 17,247,190 New Voters Registered After 9/15/2008 –1,225,894 Total Early Voters –6,954,009 Permanent Absentee Voters –5,785,495 Voters in Mail Ballot Precincts –603,009 Voters Applying to Vote Early– 1,285,330 Returned Ballots (Voted) as of 11/3/2008– 3,941,247… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Regardless of Today’s Outcome, Cogdill & Villines Should Be Retained As GOP Leaders

On this election day, much will be decided across this country. The next President and Vice President will be elected. Republicans will certainly lose seats in the United States Senate, but will we be able to retain enough seats to filibuster against egregious, left-wing legislation? Pundits estimate House GOP loses in the neighborhood of 20-30 seats (some say that Tom McClintock’s bid for Congress is in peril, and that once-thought-safe incumbent Members of Congress like Dan Lungren are no longer assured reelection).

As the State Legislative level, it is unclear whether the sizable lead of Barack Obama in California will sweep Democrats into an even greater lock-hold on the Senate and Assembly, or whether, like in 2006, the Democrat wave will crash at the border (no state legislative seats changed parties that year).

In the State Senate, only one seat – the 19th District – is really in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Regardless of Today’s Outcome, Cogdill & Villines Should Be Retained As GOP Leaders

On this election day, much will be decided across this country. The next President and Vice President will be elected. Republicans will certainly lose seats in the United States Senate, but will we be able to retain enough seats to filibuster against egregious, left-wing legislation? Pundits estimate House GOP loses in the neighborhood of 20-30 seats (some say that Tom McClintock’s bid for Congress is in peril, and that once-thought-safe incumbent Members of Congress like Dan Lungren are no longer assured reelection).

As the State Legislative level, it is unclear whether the sizable lead of Barack Obama in California will sweep Democrats into an even greater lock-hold on the Senate and Assembly, or whether, like in 2006, the Democrat wave will crash at the border (no state legislative seats changed parties that year).

In the State Senate, only one seat – the 19th District – is really in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Four Legislators Get Perfect Scores as HJTA Releases 2008 Legislative Scorecard

This just in from Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association… HJTA has released itsannual Legislative report card based on the votes and/or abstentions on 29 bills introduced in the California Legislature. These bills include proposals which either directly diminish the protections of Propositions 13 or 218, or are “tax like fees” that should require voter approval per Proposition 13. 2008 saw an overall lowering of grades as several bills (including what is now Proposition 1A (High Speed Rail) were passed with bipartisan support despite our strenuous objections. The number of A grades received (28) is the lowest ever. The number of B grades received is our highest ever (14).We’d also like to commend the four legislators who received perfect scores in 2008: Joel Anderson, Ted Gaines, Audra Strickland, & Mimi Walters.Especially on Election Day, it is importantRead More

Ray Haynes

Why We Deserve to Lose

I don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow, but, should a miracle occur, and Republicans avert the impending debacle that many of the polls now predict, we should recognize that such a victory would be a divine gift, and not the result of any thing we have done to deserve the respect and support of the American people.

We deserve to lose, because we have not been who we say we are. We have spent so much time worrying about how we market ourselves that we have forgotten to worry about doing the right thing. The most unfortunate thing about that sad state of affairs is we know what the right thing to do is, and people know we know. We promise to shrink government, to cut taxes, to eliminate government control of peoples lives, to restore liberty and true equality, to eliminate government power, and to make government less of influence in people’s lives. People entrusted us with power to do just that. We didn’t. We played politics with our principles. More important, after people took power away from us for not living up to our promises, we still played politics with our principles. The most recent bail out of the financial markets for… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Leftist “Tolerance” At Work On Prop 8

About 40 of us Prop 8 supporters gathered in Redding Saturday to fly the flag for traditional marriage. It was a rainy day on a busy intersection near one of the big shopping centers, lots of traffic. But we had a hearty group that stuck it out for nearly 3 hours…turns out the rain was not as much of a factoras the "free exchange of ideas and thought." Now, by and large the response to our support of traditional marriage in conservative Redding/2nd Assembly District was very good, about 96% of the drivers-by were honking, thumbs-up, and smiling.

But what got me was the venom of the No on 8 folk. I’ve been seeing and hearing the stories of the Yes On 8 signs being destroyed or stolen but seeing how angry the lefty’s are in person is a real eye opener. A few driving by would thumbs down or nod in disapproval, but the high percentage that would scream obscenities out the window or forget to hold up all their fingers when waving was kind of disturbing. We were peaceful, as conservatives usually comport themselves well, [with some exceptions at times],too.

The anger at any conservative backed issue is not unusual… Read More

BOE Member George Runner


Proposition 6 has strong support from California law enforcement, including every sheriff in the state, the California Police Chiefs’ Association, the California District Attorneys Association, the Chief Probation Officers of California and rank and file police officers.

Here’s a sample of what California law enforcement has said about Proposition 6 in the past year.

“Proposition 6 wisely invests in probation. Young people who make mistakes but are not hardened criminals desperately need adequate resources to ensure they stop negative behavior and succeed in living by the rules. A strong effort at the probation level is a wise investment.”

– Modesto Police Chief Roy Wasden Modesto Bee: “Modesto police chief endorses Proposition 6” Oct. 31, 2008

"They’ll say it’s a ‘lock em up, throw away the key’ ballot measure, and it’s not, frankly. In fact, the independent analysis says it will save money. It’ll reduce incarceration needs long-term. The analysis says if the prevention programs work and fewer people are arrested andRead More

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