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Meredith Turney

4th CD Still Close, McClintock Leads

The race between Tom McClintock and Charlie Brown for the 4th CD is still too close to call. Right now McClintock is up 451 votes and the absentee ballots are expected to break heavily for him. Provisional ballots are the real unknown factor. Knowing that Democrats have engaged in dirty politics throughout this election, the McClintock campaign is taking every precaution to ensure that there is no vote tampering.

Senator McClintock issued the following statement earlier today: “I wish to thank everyone who voted in the Fourth Congressional District. I am gratified and thankful that my campaign emerged after election night with the lead. I have full confidence in the hard-working and dedicated election officials who are counting the remaining absentee and provisional votes. I am confident that once the process is completed I will be the Representative for the Fourth Congressional District.”

This story is developing as quickly as the votes are being counted. Stay tuned for more updates…… Read More

Mike Spence

Why You Can’t Trust Moderate Republicans

Back in the early 1990’s all I heard about was how the Republican Party needed to be a “big tent.” The idea was to embrace anyone who wanted to be a Republican regardless of what that person stood for.

Of course that is how we get tax raising Governors like the one here in California. But what you also get are politicians that will put a bullet in your back as soon as the going gets tough.

Let’s look at John McCain. John McCain is no conservative. There are many issues where he went “maverick” rather than the generally excepted conservative position. Joe Lieberman reminded us of all those things during the RNC Convention.

So who stabbed him inthe back? Was it conservatives?

Collin Powell. This guy was made by Ronald Reagan and then the Bushes (not conservatives either). An enormous amount of Republican resources were spent promoting the General. Unfortunately, he isn’t the only one.

Former Republican Senator Lincoln Chafee, and Sen. Charles Mathias Jr. , Former Congressmen Jim Leach, Cong. Wayne Gilchrest and Former Mass. Governor Bill Weld all joined the team. How much did the Republican Party spend on behalf of these guys?… Read More

Barry Jantz

Wednesday San Diego

Day after thoughts on some local “stuff”….

SD City Attorney… Aguirre is evacuated, victim of his huge mouth and even larger ego, mixed in with delusions of grandeur and a tad paranoia. Jan Goldsmith will make a great city attorney.

52nd Congressional… Congrats to Duncan D. Hunter (now simply Duncan Hunter). Registration was tough enough to beat, add the name factor and the combo was lethal. Virtually everyone knew this was over a year ago, except for a handful of Mike Lumpkin supporters that became constant commenters on GOP blogs. And, every moment spent trying to convince GOP activists on a center-right leaning blog that Lumpkin had a chance was time that could have been used with real swing voters. And, they say the blogs have no impact.… Read More

Jill Buck

Sharing the Good News

I started my day today the way I usually do…I read my Bible and prayed for all the people on my prayer list…until my kids starting fighting over the breakfast table, and I felt like I was in the middle of the Seinfeld episode with George’s dad running around saying, “Serenity Now!” In fact, the Serenity Prayer is printed on a coin I carry in my pocket: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.” How apropos for the morning after this election. Last night, I was asking the question, “What happened?!”, and desperately trying to make sense of the past year and the outcome of the election. It was only leading me down a path of sadness and disappointment, because I’ve been so very proud to support Senator McCain all this time.

So this morning, I asked a new question, “What now?” And I asked it prayerfully, and not in hopes of finding the answer from another person, because we’re all… Read More

OC Early Results Round-up

The entire Congressional delegation will be re-elected. There was some media reports that caused concern over Rohrabacher and Calvert.

No surprises in the legislative races.

Supervisor Janet Nguyen’s chief of staff, Andrew Do is on top for election to the Garden Grove city council, but late mail could have an impact.

Assemblyman Bob Huff’s district director, Tim Shaw is the top vote getter among absentees for the La Habra city council.

Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido is set to win another term, it will be his seventh term. Terms are two years.

It does not look like Orange County will have a 35th city. Rossmoor cityhood is failing 73% to 28%.

See OC Registrar results updated here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

DC Watch: Boehner, the GOP Leader in the House, wants to keep his job? LOL.

The fine folks over at Politicker are reporting that House Republican Leader John Boehner is preparing to campaign for re-election to his leadership post…


That is quite possibly the dumbest thing I have ever heard. The only thing that would be more stupid would be his colleagues offering Boehner, or anyone in the current House GOP Leadership, any support — except out the door.

It is so clear that we need fresh faces in our leadership for Republicans in the Senate and the House.

Boehner and his team can point to no meaningful policy victories whilst in the minority (Oh, except Boehner supported the outrageous government bail-out of Wall Street, but so did Pelosi. That wasmore a victory, with Pelosi, against conservatives and cautious taxpayers). And it is very clear that Boehner will have presided over historic losses of Republicans during his tenure.

Exactly on what "platform" does Boehner think he could run for another term? The reality is that Boehner’s election… Read More

Jon Fleischman

FR Live Blogging Election Results

Here at the FlashReport, we’ll be live-blogging election results for California. I am at the Hyatt Hotel in Irvine, site of the California Republican Party’s election night party, safely sequestered in the "war room" were election contests across the country and especially here in California will be closely monitered.

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Jon Fleischman

FR Live-Blogging On Election Night

Tonight, FR Publisher Jon Fleischman will "host" a live chat on the FR blog page, as election results come in. Using new technology, FR blog readers will be able to tune in to the live chat, and weigh in themselves in real time!

Be sure to check out the action later this afternoon, when the polls start to close on the East Coast. The live blog feed will appear atop FR’s blog page tonight.… Read More

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