Thank You, Sarah Palin; Shame On Anonymous Leakers
[Cross-posted from Red County/National Politics]
What is the difference between rats deserting a sinking ship, and anonymous McCain campaign leakers?
Rats can’t talk.
And another factor in the rats’ favor is they don’t point fingers and shift blame — they just bug out without a word.
The anonymous McCain staffers trying to blame their campaign’s failure on Sarah Palin could learn a thing or two from the rats.
The McCain campaign has no one to blame but itself, and the anonymous shanking of Gov. Palin dishonors Sen. McCain.
These leakers are behaving more like Daily Kos bloggers, not professionals, and they to face a few facts:
1) From the perspective of the Republican rank-and-file, the choice of Sarah Palin turned a funeral march into a real campaign. The grass roots were energized in a way they hadn’t been in years. Here in Orange County — the GOP heartland — volunteer headquarters were… Read More