McCain Needs To Speak Up For Palin
Why is John McCain letting his former running mate twist in the wind?
During the campaign, McCain be sure to chastise those among his supporters who unfairly or viciously attacked Barack Obama.
Now that Gov. Sarah Palin is being unfairly and viciously attacked by unnamed members of McCain’s campaign, why hasn’t he leapt to her defense?
Gov. Palin gave McCain candidacy every measure of devotion. She tirelessly and enthusiastically stumped for him, energizing the base for him — something he was unable to do for himself. And she did so even as her own reputation was unjustly damaged by a media mau-mauing unlike anything I have evern seen.
And through it all, she fought on without complaint.
John McCain owes it to Sarah Palin too come to her defense, as well as to publicly denounce those in his camp who are sticking her with cowardly knives.
The longer McCain stays silent, the more dishonor he brings on himself.… Read More