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Barry Jantz

Plescia for SD GOP Chair: Thanks, but no thanks

It may not be quite as significant as, say, Chuck DeVore announcing for US Senate, but many GOPers wondered this morning if termed-out 75th AD Assemblyman George Plescia was truly thinking about a run for County Party chairman after receiving an anonymous email touting a recruitment effort. Kurt Bardella then posted the contents of the email at Red County SD.

Rumor is rumor and anonymous emails are just that. It may not be as fun as the alternative, but sometimes it’s best to operate on substance. So, I had a unique thought: Ask him. The resulting response from Plescia:

I am flattered that some might think of me being chairman as a good thing, however I am not running. I am looking forward to seeking paid employment since I believe in taking personal responsibility for my mortgage and other bills, not having "spreading the wealth" take care of it.

Ok, let’s move on to the next rumor.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Assembly Chuck DeVore to Announce U.S. Senate Bid LIVE at 1 PM – Check It Out!

Today at 1pm PST, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore will announce his candidacy for the Republican nomination for United States Senate. I have known Chuck for two decades now, and can tell all FR readers that he is a fine conservative — a man of integrity and honor.

You’ll be able to check out DeVore’s announcement speech live right below. So check back to this blog post (or go to at precisely 1pm to see his live announcement…

Let the 2010 election cycle begin! … Read More

Mike Spence

The Discussion: More Principles, Fewer Princes

[Publisher’s Note: After the defeats suffered by the Republican Party in the General Election, we have reached out to some California leaders to ask them to reflect on this question, "What must the GOP do to once again be the majority party?" We are pleased to bring you this column from FR Correspondent Mike Spence. Spence is President of the California Republican Assembly – Flash]

If you want to meet people who are mad at the Republican Party you can go to, you can go to San Francisco, or you can go to a meeting of local Republicans. Any meeting: Republican Women, Congress of Republicans, California Republican Assembly, it doesn’t matter. You will find people are just plain mad about the Republican Party.

How can this be? The people who have toiled in the vineyard and given of their treasure to GOP candidates are mad?

Almost twenty years ago at a conference, Paul Weyrich, a founder of the Heritage Foundation and the Free Congress Research and Education Foundation said, and I paraphrase, that… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Note To W: Lame Duck Status Achieved

For the past eight years or so, I have been on various e-mail lists at The White House, alerting me of the President's initiatives, speeches and the like. I just got one where W is calling on Congress to pass the U.S.-Columbia Free Trade Act. Right. The Democrats were in no hurry to pass that before McCain was thrattled by Obama last week. Why would they suddenly pass it now? W should enjoy a final round of holiday parties, and maybe a few more joy rides in AF1 — because there will be no more good policy items coming his way from Harry and Nancy. Live with it. It's just the facts of lame duck status in a transition to a new POTUS who dispises him…… Read More

Shawn Steel

Jerry Brown on the Warpath

Jerry Brown, not very patiently, is holding a "Orange County Gala" fundraiser for only "$6,000 for Co-Hosts". You can still get in at Muldoon’s Dublin Pub this Friday, November 14.

Among those hosting include: Trial Lawyer Wylie Aitkin, Trial Lawyer and fomer State Senator Joe Dunn, Trial Lawyer Mark Robinson, Trial Lawyer Anne Andrews and Trial Lawyer Joy Berus.

Just to complete the picture the California Medical Association Political Action Committee is also featured. The lions with the lambs. I hope the medical doctors are taking long term pain killers.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Happy Veterans Day

We here at the FlashReport treat all holidays as "our" holidays — which means look for the main page to be up a little later this morning. Also, look to Tuesday’s FR for our "weekend in review" and reprinting of our weekend commentaries.

We hope that you will join with us today in giving thanks to all of those who have served in the military, on behalf of this country — and also to those who have sacrificed by having a wife, a husband, a child or a parent serve in the military.… Read More

Meredith Turney

McClintock Continues to Gain Votes

This evening I was able to visit the McClintock campaign headquarters and get the latest information about today’s count. As of this evening, McClintock is up 1,092 votes. El Dorado County garnered 122 additional votes for McClintock today and the good news is that the worst precincts in that county are done reporting. There are still some bad areas in Nevada County that need to count absentee and provisional ballots. Placer County will be counting tomorrow so hopefully we’ll have more good news then.… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Happy Birthday Marines

Veterans Day? It is not Veterans Day.

It is the 233rd Birthday of the United States Marine Corps. This is what should be a national holiday. Tomorrow is Veterans Day.

To all my Marine Corps family out there….Happy Birthday.

From the Halls of Montezuma To the Shores of Tripoli; We fight our country’s battles In the air, on land and sea; First to fight for right and freedom And to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title of United States Marine.

Our flag’s unfurled to every breeze From dawn to setting sun; We have fought in ev’ry clime and place Where we could take a gun; In the snow of far-off Northern lands And in sunny tropic scenes; You will find us always on the job– The United States Marines.

Here’s health to you and to our Corps Which we are proud to serve In many a strife we’ve fought for life And never lost our nerve; If the Army and the Navy Ever look on Heaven’s scenes;… Read More

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