Plescia for SD GOP Chair: Thanks, but no thanks
It may not be quite as significant as, say, Chuck DeVore announcing for US Senate, but many GOPers wondered this morning if termed-out 75th AD Assemblyman George Plescia was truly thinking about a run for County Party chairman after receiving an anonymous email touting a recruitment effort. Kurt Bardella then posted the contents of the email at Red County SD.
Rumor is rumor and anonymous emails are just that. It may not be as fun as the alternative, but sometimes it’s best to operate on substance. So, I had a unique thought: Ask him. The resulting response from Plescia:
I am flattered that some might think of me being chairman as a good thing, however I am not running. I am looking forward to seeking paid employment since I believe in taking personal responsibility for my mortgage and other bills, not having "spreading the wealth" take care of it.
Ok, let’s move on to the next rumor.… Read More