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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, since no on else has said it on the FR today, Happy Thanksgiving! With all the problems we have in this state, the good still far outpaces the unpleasant. We should all remember in our prayers those overseas in defense of our ideals; those that are in mourning with one less place setting at todays holiday meal due to the loss of a loved one, a soldier, fallen for our freedom. And thankfulness that our homeland is safe from the type of awful terrorism that is happening in India right now. We live in a great state and great country, for that we can always find a reason to be thankful. God bless America and have a great day and safe travels.… Read More

Shawn Steel

Hollywood Blacklist : We are all Mormons

Richard Raddon, LA Film Festival’s director was hounded from his job because he is a Mormon who gave $1500.00 to a proposition that supports that marriage is between a man and a woman. Scott Eckern, Artisticdirector of the California Musical Theater, for 26 years earned the wrath of the Gay Fascist Left who demanded his head. Eckern also a Mormon was forced out of his job. His actionwas to write a check for $1000 for Proposition 8. His sister is a lesbian and they are close. But he… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Great news for Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Mendelsohn

The SacBee's Capitol Alert is reporting that termed-out Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez is joining Mercury Public Affairs' Sacramento Office. He will join Team Arnold politico Adam Mendelsohn, and Steve Schmidt, the former campaign chief for both the Governor and for Senator McCain's Presidential bid.

Look for the Schmidt and Mendelsohn families to press for Nunez to be tapped as Managing Partner for the office soon — figuring that it will mean fine wine, luxury handbags, and a trip to France for the whole firm!… Read More

Barry Jantz

Giving Thanks….for the City of San Diego

Over the next few days, as we give thanks for our many blessings, we should see fit to add something to our lists. Not the most important item, but a blessing nonetheless.

We should all be grateful that the City of San Diego recognizes its significance and rightful place of import in the region, in the State, and – yes – even in the nation and world.

Not the importance of whether libraries, parks and fire stations stay open, or even the tough decisions associated with a $2.8 billion pension deficit. It’s more than that. You see, all of those weighty issues combined are so significant to humankind – and the City of San Diego knows it – that the ceremony to administer the oath-of-office to the recently-elected individuals faced with the decisions has been given its correct due title: Inauguration.

The Inaugural Ceremonies for the mayor, four new city councilmembers and new city attorney will commence on the hallowed grounds of Golden Hall, in the City of San Diego Concourse, 202 “C” Street, at ten o’clock in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Jon Feischman Announces Re-Election Campaign For State GOP Office — Releases Endorsements

[Publisher’s Note: Today I am pleased to announce that I am seeking re-election as Vice Chairman, South, of the California Republican Party. Below my announcement letter is a partial list of my endorsements to date.]

Dear Fellow Republican:

It’s been three weeks since the Republican Party’s worst election night in four decades. Senator Barack Obama’s landslide victory along with significant Republican losses in the House and Senate requires our party to critically examine why we lost, who lead us astray and how we can win in 2010.

However, when you juxtapose the dreary national picture with California’s election results, our outlook isn’t nearly asRead More

Jon Fleischman

Jon Feischman Announces Re-Election Campaign For State GOP Office — Releases Endorsements

[Publisher’s Note: Today I am pleased to announce that I am seeking re-election as Vice Chairman, South, of the California Republican Party. Below my announcement letter is a partial list of my endorsements to date.]

Dear Fellow Republican: It’s been three weeks since the Republican Party’s worst election night in four decades. Senator Barack Obama’s landslide victory along with significant Republican losses in the House and Senate requires our party to critically examine why we lost, who lead us astray and how we can win in 2010.Read More

Jon Fleischman

They Call Him Senator Strickland!

Congratulations to State Senator-Elect Tony Strickland. We just heard from FR friend Bob Haueter, who has been on the ground there. Tony has an 801 vote lead and all that remains to count are a couple hundred LA County ballots, which will only widen his lead. Outstanding news!… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Final Votes In: Tom Wins!

With my home county of Butte reporting the last of the provisional and mail-in ballots for the 4th Congressional District, Senator Tom McClintock has netted1070 votes of the 1944 that were remaining to count in the Butte portion of CD 4, a plus of 196 to his 9 county total. This should bring his winning margin to 1772, [of about 369,000 total cast].So, with official certification due in all counties next Tuesday, here’s an even more ‘almost officially’ congrats to Tom!

[Butte still remained a ‘blue’ county for Obama by 2300 or so votes and even a ‘blue’ county by 87 votes in the 2nd CD.]… Read More

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