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Shawn Steel

How do we forgive RINO’s?

Some argue this could never have been a Republican year. Theeight year itch, a long but successful war plus a shattering economy with big governmentintervention. John McCain was the most moderate nominee since Jerry Ford. Still Republicans need to account for those who call themselves Republicans but endorsed Obama.

Just to keep the record clear the following are noted Republicans who gave their reputations toObama. Their support will be noted for the rest of their lives.

Benedict Arnold : First RINO

Former Governor Massachusetts, William Weld.

Former Rhode Island Senator, Lincoln Chafee.

Former Governor Minnesota, Arne Carlson.

Former Governor and Senator Connecticut, Lowell Weicker.

Former Governor Virginia, Linwood Holton.

Former Governor… Read More

Barry Jantz

Senate Committee Chairs

H/T to Cap Weekly…. Steinberg selects committee chairs

Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg has chosen his committee chairs. They are:

Sen. Christine Kehoe (D-San Diego): Senate Appropriations Committee Sen. Ron Calderon (D-Montebello): Senate Banking & Finance Committee Sen. Denise Ducheny (D-San Diego): Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee Sen. Gloria Negrete-McLeod (D-Chino): Senate Business, Professions & Economic Development Committee Sen. Gloria Romero (D-East Los Angeles): Senate Education Committee Sen. Loni Hancock (D-Berkley): Senate Elections, Reapportionment & Constitutional Amendments Committee Sen. Alex Padilla (D-San Fernando Valley): Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee Sen. Joe Simitian (D-Palo Alto): Senate Environmental Quality CommitteeRead More

Matt Rexroad

Prop 8 — Conviction?

Some members of the State Legislature today introduced a resolution opposing Proposition 8. Here is the Sacramento Bee article on the issue.

Ok. i don’t agree but I understand.

The part that kills me is those that are praising them for their stand on principle. Many of these same Legislators also oppose 3 Strikes but don’t have the political courage to introduce a resolution opposing that measure. Why?

The answer is simple. All of these Legislators represent districts where Prop 8 failed — and it failed by large margins among Democrats. 3 Strikes is still very popular even among Democrats. This is simply politics.

Praise for standing on principle would be well deserved for a resolution opposing 3 Strikes — but opposing Prop 8 does not meet that test.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Núñez son arrested for murder

Breaking News from the Bee…

Read it here.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Cogdill: Aanestad takes Battin’s seat on prestigious Senate Rules Committee

Catching up on some news from yesterday, Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill put out a release announcing his leadership team for the coming session. The news is that there wasn’t much news. Pretty much the leadership team that was in place will stay. The one change is that in place of State Senator Jim Battin, who had served as one of the two GOPers on the influential Senate Rules Committee, he will now be replaced by conservative (most of the time) Sam Aanestad.

George Runner will continue to serve as Caucus Chairman, Mark Wyland is still the Assistant Leader, and Tom Harmon is still the Whip.

Cogdill’s approach of leaving folks in place, with the continuity that comes with it, should help to keep the Senate Republican Caucus steeling for what will be a long season ahead — with the Democrats, the Governor and all of those Sacramento lobbyiests out for a massive tax increase.… Read More

Meredith Turney

Congressman-elect Tom McClintock

Almost one month after the historic Election Day that swept Barack Obama into power, conservatives have finally uncovered the silver lining: Tom McClintock will soon be sworn in as a congressman. Vowing to “carry the message” of traditional Republican values to Washington, D.C., Tom McClintock declared his victory in the 4th congressional district contest at a press conference today.

Two hours earlier and just 30 miles away, new and returning members of the state legislature were sworn in to the legislative bodies where McClintock served for over two decades. The commute home won’t be quite as easy now.

Surrounded by staff, faithful volunteers, supporters, and media, McClintock delivered his long-awaited (and expected) victory speech at his campaign headquarters, the nerve center of post-election operations. Thanking his supporters for their hard work and expressing his humility at being chosen to serve them in Congress, the congressman-elect emphasized that in a close election, every volunteer action is significant. He then thanked the voters of the district, telling them that the message they sent has been “heard around the nation.”

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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

New Assembly Sworn In

The new Assembly for 2009-2010 is now sworn in with Speaker Bass voted in again by acclamation.[Assemblywoman Lori Saldana will be the Speaker Pro Tem.]

For the last 13 hours there was no sworn Assembly so I hope you lived it up, during that time of no pending new regulation or tax legislation. Speaker Bass is calling for a Special Joint session[Assembly and Senate]on budget issues, the revenue system, etc. We’ll see when the special committees will convene. State Treasurer Bill Lockyer will likely participate as well.

Assembly rules were adopted, though over the objection of Republicans, by astraight party line vote of, get used to these numbers, 51-29.

Several members had new bills to ‘put over the desk’ today, trying to get a quick start. Now the lobbyists have something to fret about over the Christmas break as they review the new bills….seemed like we just finished doing bills, the shortest recess in some time!

Good luck to the new members of the Assembly and Senate.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Tom McClintock Stakes His Claim To CD 4 Victory

At a press conference this afternoon at his Roseville HQ, Congressman-elect Tom McClintock, declared victory in the hard fought race for the 4th Congressional District. His opponent, Charlie Brown, still seems to want to use legal manuveurs to fightthe result, even with other closer races in the state conceded by opponents on the losing end. The margin, at this point, cannot be overcome, Tom will be sworn in January 6th in D.C.… Read More

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