The Ultimate Destruction of Private Property
The Ultimate Destruction of Private Property Many changes have occurred in American society over the past few decades, largely due to a surge of Socialism supporters. Most of them call themselves “Progressives.” The honest ones announce they are members of the Democrat Socialists of America. One of the primary tenets of Socialism is aimed to substitute private property for social ownership of public property. The most significant act of this private property destruction is spreading through our country, namely squatters. Many changes have occurred to the enforcement of our laws. We have seen flash mobs enter stores, taking large amounts of inventory and leaving with no interference attempted. We have seen people saunter into a drug store, take a few things, and walk out unimpeded. The level of disrespect for private property has risen to where a person will go to an inherited home from their recently deceased relatives and find an unauthorized stranger living there. When they go to change the locks, they will be taken away by police for attempting an unlawful eviction. The squatter remains in their house. How did we come to this? “Squatting” is… Read More