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Jennifer Nelson

The shame of California’s foster care system

The recent story about the boy who was held for a year against his will in Tracy and physically abused should make our state leaders reflect on the success of our child welfare system and how serious the courts deal with child abuse.

The facts around this case are horrifying. The boy was sent to live with his “aunt” Caren Ramirez (although authorities now say that there is no relation) after his being removed from his father’s care because of abuse. It’s unclear from press account how he was placed with Ramirez, but after Ramirez daughter called authorities to report the abuse, the boy was sent to a foster care home and Ramirez was jailed. Eighteen months later, the boy ran away from the home in Tracy where Ramirez and two other adults had been brutally abusing him.

Just last September, the Bay Area was rattled by the death of a 15-year-old foster child in her aunt’s care.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Tuesday TidBits: Endorsed by San Diego GOP, Abolish CalHFA, Embarrassed by W.

Yesterday at a rare, joint meeting of the California State Senate and Assembly, lawmakers were treated to a admonishment by state finance officials about the dire circumstances facing the State of California. It’s a bad situation, made worse for every day that action isn’t taken. The question is whether the Democrats who dominate the legislature now truly understand the gravity of the situation and are ready to take a reasoned approach to making significant cuts in state government – we’re talking about ideas like eliminating functions of state government Last night, the San Diego County Republican Party unanimously endorsed my candidacy for re-election as Vice-Chairman, South, of the California Republican Party. The Southern Region includes Orange, Riverside, San Diego and Imperial Counties, and contains about 1/5 of the state’s 1500 or so State Central Committee Members. Last month I was unanimously endorsed by the Orange County Republican Party. Recently I announced my re-election campaign, and listed my prominent GOP … Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Newest Gibbons

The FlashReport would like to extend congratulations to Jennifer and Dhillon Gibbons on the arrival of their newest family member, Rusty (pictured right). May your newborn bring you years of love and joy! Jennifer is Communications Director for Assembly Republicans and Dhillon is the Chief of Staff to freshman GOP Assemblywoman Connie Conway. I am sure both would appreciate words of congratulations, and any "parenting’ advice…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Nielson, Fletcher, Miller Tapped by Villines

14 of the 29 Assembly Republicans serve in a broad leadership structure that is hand-picked by Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines.

Today Villines announced his team and we'll start by going straight to the most interesting picks first — who did Villines tap to represent the large freshman class on his leadership team? Serving as Whips are Assemblyman Jim Nielson (not surprising as he is a former State Senator), Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher, and my own Assemblyman, Jeff Miller. Congratulations to all three of you!

Last week Villines announced that his #2, serving as Caucus Chairman, is Cameron Smyth. Rounding out the team: Floor Manager: Sam Blakeslee. Assistant Leaders: Roger Niello, Bill Emmerson, Van Tran, Martin Garrick and Ted Gaines. Chief Republican Whips: Anthony Adams, Chuck DeVore and Jean Fuller.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

At today’s Special Session of the Legislature, will Democrats be listening? They need to be.

This afternoon, in what we are told is a very rare occasion, the 120 members of the State Legislature will convene in a special join session to get an in-depth briefing on the state of California’s finances. What will they be told? Undoubtedly these presentations being made by various officials ranging from Democrat State Treasurer Bill Lockyer, Democrat State Controller John Chiang, Legislative Analyst Mac Taylor, and the Governor’s Finance Director Mike Genest will paint a dire picture of California’s financial condition. Look for a lot of extreme statements about how the failure of the legislature to take action to deal with the current fiscal year’s deficit of at least $12 billion (or is it $15 billion?) will result in dire consequences. Wee will hear about massive lay-offs and an insolvency in state government finance that come the Spring will bring state government spending to a halt. We’ll hear about the state having to issue IOU’s, and no doubt we will hear about how this situation will drastically and negatively impact some of the state’s most vulnerable residents.

What… Read More

Frank Schubert

My Weekly Rant: New Legislature’s Enthusiasm Meets ‘Same Old Same Old’

A new Legislature took office on December 1st. It was an exciting day, especially for the 25 “true freshmen” who joined the Legislature for the first time. All of these new members are in the Assembly.

I remember when I helped elect a new Assemblywoman from Sacramento County way back in 1978. She held her young daughter in her arms as mother and daughter both raised their hands to take the oath of office in December of that year. It was such a cute photograph that it made the front page of the Sacramento Bee, and we used it liberally in her reelection campaign.

I am quite certain that most of the new legislators who took their oath of office last week enthusiastically intend to do their best to govern with distinction. They know the challenges that California faces are great and they honestly intend to make the sacrifices that will be necessary to meet those challenges.

The enthusiasm of freshmen legislators is legendary. When Assemblyman Lloyd Connelly first took office back in 1982, he worked so many hours in the Capitol that he took to sleeping on the couch in his office. This was a… Read More

Jim Battin

How NOT to solve the budget crisis

Around this time of year I’ve been known to tinker around with – one of my favorite websites.

Last year we caught our blog boss, Jon, Elfing Around (could appear again this year too……..) and I premiered the "Night of the Living Democrats" and even had a Republican version too.

Since I’m no longer in the legislature I didn’t want to feel left out of the budget process (because I sooooo miss arguing about taxes and spending cuts) – so I’ve participated in my small way by creating the video below.

I hope our legislative leaders will follow this holiday advice.

I call it "How NOT to solve the budget crisis".

Enjoy.… Read More

Santa Ana Zoo and Senator Correa

I have some out of town guests here this week and one of our destinations was the Santa Ana Zoo. Its a zoo more because they have a big sign that says Santa Ana Zoo than because there are a lot of animals there.

But it was a fun hour and half distraction.

When we got there, the parking lot was full and there was a line of about 100 people waiting to get in one entrance. Of course, I found another entrance, I don’t wait in lines, and my guests and I got in. Then I saw a sign "Senator Lou Correa Day".

It turns out that Senator Correa has been hosting his constituents at the zoo since he was in the Assembly. This was the 8th annual event. Around 3500 moms and dads and kids and grandparents showed up this Sunday. They get free admission, a picnic lunch and there was a free raffle, this year I think the grand prize was a flat screen TV. They also collected 2500 pounds of canned food to replenish the stocks at the Orange County Food Bank. Correa’s constituents also brought toys for… Read More

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