Today’s Commentary: If Chris Kahn, the Gov’s Legislative Director, HAD Commented On His Departure, What Would He Have Said?
Yesterday in their Capitol Alert blog, the Sacramento Bee reported that Chris Kahn, the Deputy Chief of Staff for Governor Schwarzenegger and Director of Legislative Affairs will be departing his post at the end of the year. This departure is the second extremely high-profile Republican in the Governor’s inner circle to step away in just a couple of months, with former Cabinet Secretary Dan Dunmoyer having recently left as well. In the Bee’s blurb about Kahn’s departure, they mention that he was “unavailable for comment” for his story.
Well, I thought that I would try to help fill in the blanks for those wondering what Chris “would have said” had he actually spoken out on his departure. Readers should understand that I have not spoken to him about this, and that this is an editorial on my part, presuming what Chris might say (if he could):