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Katy Grimes

THE REST OF THE STORY: SacBee Puff Piece On Bishop Soto

A deceptive piece of puff journalism designed to take some of the heat off Sacramento Catholic Diocese Bishop Jaime Soto ran Sunday, written by Sacramento Bee columnist Marcos Breton. I’ve been told the Sacramento Catholic Diocese has hired an outside public relations firm – which would explain the Diocesan Sacto Bee propaganda piece.

“Since… Read More

Katy Grimes

The Fractured Fairy Tale of Stephon Clark

There was a time not long ago when a personal history mattered; past actions were considered in job offers and in criminal prosecutions. But the liberal left now considers past actions immaterial and irrelevant.

Consider the family of Stephon Clark, the 22-year old black maleshot to death by two Sacramento police officers in March after a chase: The family has filed wrongful death claims with the city of Sacramento, seeking up to $35 million for Clark’s death, the Sacramento Bee reported this week.And, the Sacramento Bee also once again reported Clark as an “unarmed 22-year-old black man.”

Stephon… Read More

Katy Grimes

Autumn Burke’s Lawmaker Family Has History of Not Living in District

The fruit doesn’t fall far from the Burke family tree, so the saying goes.Assemblywoman Autumn Burke doesn’t want to have to live in her Los Angeles Assembly district. Her mother, Los Angeles County Supervisor mother Yvonne Burke, apparently didn’t live in her district either,accordingto the Los Angeles Times in two 2007 articles.

Los Angeles County SupervisorYvonne B. Burke, according to anL.A. Times story, was observed in the evenings at her Brentwood home, located in another countyjurisdiction. “In the morning, she drives to her own South Los Angeles district — just the edge of it, actually, to her Mar Vista townhouse.”

“Los Angeles County Supervisor Yvonne B. Burke, who was elected to represent some of theRead More

Katy Grimes

Shameless CA Legislators Pass Bill To Allow Them To Live Outside Their Districts

Just as the 2018 legislative session was winding down last week,California lawmakers sent Gov. Jerry Brown a bill that would allow them to live outside the districts in which they were elected and ostensibly represent.

What’s next? Mayors who don’t have to live in the cities in which they were elected? City council members who do not have to live in their council districts?

More than ever, lawmakers should be required to live in the cesspool districts in which they were elected in order to be inspired to facilitate change.

It was only a few years ago when Sen. Rod Wright, D-Inglewood, was convicted of perjury and voter fraud for lying about his legal residence in Los Angeles County. Today his Democrat predecessor in the sameLos Angeles District 35, Sen. Steven Bradford, is the author of the outrageousSenate Bill 1250.

Los Angeles District 35 may not be a lovely district, but the people who live there deserve representation, and they need to know that their representative… Read More

Doug Haaland

American Exceptionalism Lands on the Cutting Room Floor

“For the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moon and to the planets beyond, and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace.”

President John F. Kennedy – Rice University September 1962

The soon to be released biopic titled, “First Man,” has produced widespread controversy with the decision by filmmakers to eliminate the scene of astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planting the American flag on the surface of the moon. One of the central questions surrounding this controversy is why would anyone be surprised that Hollywood needs to leave the concept of American exceptionalism on the cutting room floor?

The landing of Armstrong and Aldrin in the Sea of Tranquility was set in motion by the vision expressed by President John F. Kennedy in his “Urgent National Needs” speech in May 1961, before a Joint Session of Congress. President Kennedy chose to focus the nation on this monumental task during the Cold War, in part, as a response to the Soviet Union’s perceived lead in the “Space Race.”

In fact, just… Read More

Katy Grimes

On Labor Day, CA Democrats Up To Old Labor Abuses With Gerawan Workers

The historic abuse of power the Agricultural Labor Relations Board has exerted over family-owned Gerawan Farming and its thousands of workers is illegal. Gerawan’s farm workers do not want union control of their workplace or work lives, but have been targeted by the United Farm Workers labor union and the ALRB since 2012 for takeover.

In May, the Court of Appeals ordered the stateAgricultural Labor Relations Board to count the workers’ decertification votes from a 2013 election, but the agency has ignored the order, and still wants to destroythe ballots and instead force a non-negotiated “contract” on the workers.

The workers have appealed to the legislative Latino Caucus, individual legislators, Governor Jerry Brown, and the California Supreme Court. Despite awaiting legal remedies, the Legislature is again doing the bidding of the United Farm Workers in an end run.

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Katy Grimes

$2.3 Million Reasons San Jose Bishop Patrick J. McGrath Is Tone Deaf

If there isn’t enough anger already directed at abusive Catholic Priests and Bishops over the sexual abuse and cover-up scandals, yet another high ranking elitist Bishop has inflamed the already brittle Catholic laity by choosing to retire to a multi-million dollar home, instead of unpretentious rectory housing as his more humble brethren choose.

If that is not scandalous enough, the San Jose BishopPatrick J. McGrath, who planned on retiring and moving into a $2.3 million Silicon Valley home, is the same controversial Bishop who told practicing homosexuals in 2017 that they will not be refused Holy Communion or a Christian burial in his diocese, as long as they request them in “good faith.”

“McGrath has championed Pope Francis’ vision for an ‘inclusive’ and ‘diverse’ Church where a new understanding of “mercy” has been used to encourage pastoral practices that are… Read More

Katy Grimes

Pope Francis Concerned With Climate Change Over Sexual Predator Clergy

Is the Rot Unraveling in the Catholic Church? It appears this may be the case. But Pope Francis refuses to address this rot signifying that he is no leader.

Evil thrives in an environment of permissiveness and appeasement, as we have witnessed in Catholic parishes and dioceses throughout America. However, good priests and bishops who tried to expose the rot were… Read More

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