It’s 2009 – Ready For Another Year of Golden State Politics?
Today we are leading off our main page with some exclusive content from Republican legislative leaders Senator Dave Cogdill and Assemblyman Mike Villines, as well as with a hard-hitting piece from Jon Coupal with the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. Tomorrow, we’ll be bringing you some great commentary from some of our own team of correspondents including Dan Schnur, Ray Haynes, and yours truly.
I am pleased to officially welcome as contributors to the FR weblog Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard and freshman GOP Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher. Look for some great commentary from these two, along with the rest of our stable of trusty center-right to right-right bloggers. We’ll be unveiling some additional new members of the blog team soon!
I’m actually headed off to the airport to make the trek up to Sacramento for a few days, renewing and establishing those contacts that allow us to bring you a lot of great breaking stories and original content on the page.
Before I sign off, though, I did want to take a moment to… Read More