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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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Jon Fleischman

It’s 2009 – Ready For Another Year of Golden State Politics?

Today we are leading off our main page with some exclusive content from Republican legislative leaders Senator Dave Cogdill and Assemblyman Mike Villines, as well as with a hard-hitting piece from Jon Coupal with the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. Tomorrow, we’ll be bringing you some great commentary from some of our own team of correspondents including Dan Schnur, Ray Haynes, and yours truly.

I am pleased to officially welcome as contributors to the FR weblog Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard and freshman GOP Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher. Look for some great commentary from these two, along with the rest of our stable of trusty center-right to right-right bloggers. We’ll be unveiling some additional new members of the blog team soon!

I’m actually headed off to the airport to make the trek up to Sacramento for a few days, renewing and establishing those contacts that allow us to bring you a lot of great breaking stories and original content on the page.

Before I sign off, though, I did want to take a moment to… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Who’s on the plane?

In our time-honored tradition, when I fly up to Sacramento, I like to share with readers some of the politicos on my flight (there's always someone)…

Today's featured co-passengers include State Senators Mimi Walters and Lou Correa, and Assemblywoman Diane Harkey. Also flying up is Arnold's Appointments Secretary John Cruz, and longtime FR friend Gina Zari, who is Senator Walters' Chief of Staff.

That's all for now… Wheels up!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Sunday Articles To Peruse

Today’s top headlines – tomorrow look for the return of FR’s main page! Two editorials on the State Budget situation worth reading OCReg: New Year, same wrong budget path SDUT: Get out the ax – ASAP Columns of Interest SFChron: Debra Saunders – Do not ask for whom the road tollsCCTimes: Lisa VorderBreuggen: Manteca Republican May Have Helped Put Sarah Palin On The BallotSacBee: Dan Walters – California slavery still lives

Articles of InterestRead More

Jon Fleischman

Saturday’s Top Stories

With the main page of the site on hiatus until Monday, I thought I would continue to provide links to some of the top stories of the day here on the blog… Enjoy your weekend!

Featured article of the day: OCReg: GOP struggles over social divide Brief commentary on the featured article: I have a couple of comments towards those who continue to beat the mantra that the GOP cannot win in California unless it retreats from conservative positions on so-called "social issues" (abortion, homosexual marriage, etc.)

First – we have the very important "rule of politics" which we have put together based on an inability of an FR readers to disprove it — which is that there is NO SUCH THING as an economic conservative with is liberal on social issues. Whenever there is a debate on fiscal policy in Sacramento, if you look to those who are viewed as… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A lot of GOPers voted for Ron Paul, including me!

As an elected officer of the California Republican Party, I stayed officially neutral in last year’s GOP Presidential Primary. That was not easy to do. As a matter of fact, hands down the biggest negative about being in party office has been the requirement to stay out of primaries at the risk of losing my party office.

That said, despite the chains on me, we did have a vibrant debate on this website about all of the candidates. We featured columns from the most viable contenders, we had advocacy pieces from their prominent supporters, and various bloggers on the site weighed in on behalf of their favorite picks. We had video, podcast, or regular interviews, exclusive to this site with Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Mitt Romney and Duncan Hunter.

The reason I am throwing all of this out there is to make it very clear that while I kept required commitment to stay neutral, that did not keep me from fostering a discussion, and weighing in a lot about the campaign and our Republican… Read More

DeVore: Let Israel Defend Herself

OC Assemblyman Chuck DeVore knows a thing or two about warfare and terrorism. And he is one of the most vocal supporters of the State of Israel.

If you have been watching the news this past week President-elect Obama has had little to say about the Hamas attacks on Israel and Israel’s actions in defense. I haven’t heard anything out if Senator Boxer either. Luckily Chuck is not so timid in his approach.

DeVore’s Statement:

DeVore: America must support Israel’s right to defend itself against terrorists.

Chuck DeVore, a California legislator and declared candidate for the United States Senate in 2010 against Barbara Boxer, announced his support of the state of Israel’s current military operations in Gaza.

For the last several years I have been amazed at the forbearance and restraint shown by Israel as Hamas terrorists rained down rocket after rocket purposefully targeted at Israeli civilians, Assemblyman Chuck DeVore said. Imagine if terrorists in Tijuana regularly shot rockets into San Diego America wouldn’t stand for it. I support Israel’s right to defend itself against terrorist attacks.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

FR Elves Report In: FR Main Page To Return Monday, January 5


Apparently FR’s main page will continue to be dormant until this coming Monday, January 5th.

The FR main page elves were up quite early this morning, scouring over 100 websites for California political news, which is the normal course of business when we’re up and running.

They have reported back that they found only a handful of links that they would put up on the site, so few as to make it not worth the effort.

I think this is like Punxsutawney Phil coming out and, seeing his shadow, going back into his burrow for six more weeks. Except our elves are just going back into their hiding place for three more days.

So look for the FR Main Page to be back, in force, this Monday, with great original content and links to what will presumably be a healthy badge… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Jon Coupal of HJTA – “Pension Tsunami”

We are pleased to present this guest commentary from Jon Coupal, the President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association PENSION TSUNAMI

When the city of Vallejo filed for bankruptcy earlier this year, it made national news. Among the alleged reasons for this financial debacle was, as usual, Proposition 13. Same urban myth, different city. Recall that Prop 13 was also blamed when Orange County went bankrupt. In spite of the clearly documented evidence of the Orange County Treasurer’s criminal wrongdoing and the fact that he used an astrologer to assist him in making investments of public dollars, in some quarters, it is always Proposition 13’s fault when any government entity runs short of money.

Nor isRead More

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