RNC Chairman’s Outside Jobs/Income A Distraction?
The race for Republican National Committee Chairman is an important one. Like all of us who care deeply about the future of the Grand Old Party, I have been intently following the intricacies of this competition. I was humbled when Grover Norquist asked my question first at last week’s debate hosted by Americans for Tax Reform — which asked what the RNC Chairman could and would do given that this decade we held the White House, and the Senate and the House simultaneously, yet presided over massive growth in federal spending?
I am still scratching my head at why the Chairman of the Republican National Committee has been, in his role, remarkably silent during his tenure about so many key issues, including the Wall Street bail out, the Automaker bail out, and I haven’t heard one critical word from him about the GOP rejections of earmark moratoriums.
I have always assumed that RNC Chairman… Read More