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Bill Leonard

Pay for Appeasement

The Governor did not say much in his brief State of the State speech last Thursday. He focused solely on the state’s budget crisis and tried to blame the legislature for the lack of resolution to curb our freefall into bankruptcy. One of the very few actual proposals he made was that when a budget is not approved by the constitutional deadline, regular pay and per diem for legislators and the governor would cease. The Governor blames partisanship for these problems and suggests withholding pay as the solution.

The real failure of this idea is that the Governor is proposing to bribe legislators with pay in return for aRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: GOP Governor 2010 – Roundup Of Items

It’s mid-January of what is supposed to be the “off year” for campaigns, but let me assure you that everything is “on” when we talk about the volume of activity taking place in what are the first few lengths of a very long horse race for the GOP nomination for Governor in 2010.

With our focus on the overspending crisis in the Capitol, there have been a number of items building up, so we’ll try to give you one comprehensive “cleaning out” of the GOP Governor 2010 inbox:

MEG WHITMAN BRINGS ON SOME NEW “TALENT” Officially Rob Stutzman is now part of a group of people helping Meg Whitman assess whether she will seek the Gubernatorial bid. But you can be sure that as soon as Whitman makes her big announcement (sources say that may be as early as next week), she’ll be formally rolling out the leadership team… Read More

Scott Baugh re-elected as OC GOP Chairman

The Republican Party of Orange County reorganization meeting is going on now.

Former Assembly Republican Leader Scott Baugh was just re-elected as chairman.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

W. Commutes Sentences Ramos and Campeon

UPDATE: It was not a full pardon (so probably no return to the Border Patrol),but a full commutation of their remaining sentences. See the story here.

I would not have bet on it, but today the President pardoned ex-border agents Ramos and Campeon. Now, will the get their jobs back?… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Odds of a Pardon for Duke – 50 to 1?

Politico puts the odds at President Bush giving a last-minute pardon to ex-Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham at 50-1.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

New Taxes: Let The People Decide? In A Republic, They Already Have…

With the desire to find compromise inwhat is now a year-roundbudget standoff, some of the same old ideas come back to the forefront after all the ‘creative’ ones are shot down.

The creative approach to go around Republican legislators, Prop 13, [placed into the Constitution in1978 by voters]and even Prop 218 [voter approved just 12 years ago in 1996] by voting in new taxes [known as new revenue] without a 2/3 vote via some creative [there’s that word again] legal wordsmithing has, thankfully for our economy and the rule of law, been stopped onceagain.

Soanother new old compromise idea takes center stage. "We can’t get the Republicans and the courts to let us trample the law on taxes…lets get the People to decide!" What the proponents of this approach forget is that the public thinks Sacramento and DC waste too much now and have spoken repeatedly on taxes.The brothers in the old cereal ads would be right this time as "Mikey hates everything." Just like term limit extensions…you keep asking, they keep telling you… Read More

Jon Fleischman

VERY Light News Day

Today is an extremely light news day for those following California political news. I didn’t have the stomach to link to the seemingly endless array of Obama Inauguration stories (thank goodness we cover California politics)…

Some good news for those who are frequent readers of our blog — we will soon be carrying blog items for freshman Congressman Tom McClintock! McClintock, along with Congressman John Campbell, will give us a lot of great insights on the goings-on back there on Capitol Hill!

What did McClintock say in his first floor speech? It was short, and to the point: Here is the text of Rep. McClintock’s first speech on the floor of the House of Representatives.

Mr. Speaker: I rise today to express my hope that this President will not leave office before using his pardon to correct one of the great injustices of our time: the imprisonment of Border Patrol officers Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Today’s Commentary: New Taxes: Let The People Decide? In A Republic, They Already Have…

With the desire to find compromise inwhat is now a year-roundbudget standoff, some of the same old ideas come back to the forefront after all the ‘creative’ ones are shot down.

The creative approach to go around Republican legislators, Prop 13, [placed into the Constitution in1978 by voters]and even Prop 218 [voter approved just 12 years ago in 1996] by voting in new taxes [known as new revenue] without a 2/3 vote via some creative [there’s that word again] legal wordsmithing has, thankfully for our economy and the rule of law, been stopped onceagain.

Soanother new old compromise idea takes center stage. "We can’t get the Republicans and the courts to let us trample the law on taxes…lets get the People to decide!" What the proponents of this approach forget is that the public thinks Sacramento and DC waste too much now and have spoken repeatedly on taxes.The brothers in the old cereal ads would be right this time as "Mikey hates everything." Just like term limit extensions…you keep asking, they keep telling you… Read More

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