RNC 5th Ballot
Steele 79.
Dawson 69.
Anuzis 20.
After the results were announced, Anuzis dropped out, endorsing no one. 85 votes needed to win — the next ballot is probably it…… Read More
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Steele 79.
Dawson 69.
Anuzis 20.
After the results were announced, Anuzis dropped out, endorsing no one. 85 votes needed to win — the next ballot is probably it…… Read More
A Federal judge in Sacramento yesterday ruled against the Yes on 8 Committee’s motion to protect some of its later donors from public disclosure (due on February 2) because of a persistent, organized campaign of personal and business harassment of prior disclosed donors by supporters of gay marriage, who gleaned the names and addresses of those donors from government records.
The claims made by Yes on 8 are similar to constitutional arguments that won the day in prior cases involving communists and socialists, who claimed they would be harassed and their privacy rights violated if their names and addresses were publicly disclosed by the government in connection with the campaigns of their partys. The Federal Judge in the Yes on 8 case didn’t agree, even thoughthe claims of the Yes on 8 committee were stronger than the other established cases, and supported by real evidence of an organized boycott of businesses and personal harassment of donors who gave as little as $100.
Liberal election lawyers were happy with the result, but concerned that Yes on 8 might have some success by filing an emergency appeal to the Ninth… Read More
On the sixth ballot, we finally have a winner. With a vote of 91 (a majority), we extend congratulations to Chairman Michael Steele!
The challenges before the party are great, and no one person can do it all — but Steele will play a key role in leading our party, and preparing us for our march out of the wilderness.… Read More
[Pub. Note – FlashReport readers will have to pardon my temporary and brief departure from writing about California’s overspending crisis, in order to write about something that really has me worked up… – Flash] Washington’s bailouts are bad enough, but it adds insult to injury when bailout recipients use their money for stupid things. AIG thought it smart to hold a corporate retreat at the Ritz Carlton. Citi defied logic and tried to spend $50 million on a new corporate jet. Now, there is word that another bailout recipient is wasting its money, this time on a frivolous lawsuit.
Hollywoodʼs six major studios have filed a lawsuit to prevent consumers (like me!) from being able to buy RealDVD, a cool program that allows you to legally back up your DVDs to your personal computer just like you… Read More
[Pub. Note – FlashReport readers will have to pardon my temporary and brief departure from writing about California’s overspending crisis, in order to write about something that really has me worked up… – Flash]
Washington’s bailouts are bad enough, but it adds insult to injury when bailout recipients use their money for stupid things. AIG thought it smart to hold a corporate retreat at the Ritz Carlton. Citi defied logic and tried to spend $50 million on a new corporate jet. Now, there is word that another bailout recipient is wasting its money, this time on a frivolous lawsuit.
Hollywoodʼs six major studios have filed a lawsuit to prevent consumers (like me!) from being able to buy RealDVD, a cool program that allows you to legally back up your DVDs to your personal computer just like you back up your CDs with iTunes.… Read More
The members of the Republican National Committee are balloting to elect a new Chairman who may (unfortunately) be the old Chairman, Mike Duncan – former President Bush’s man.
After the first round of balloting, the first results are in: 52 for Duncan, 46 for Michael Steele, 28 for Katon Dawson, 22 for Saul Anuzus and 20 for Ken Blackwell.
So now deliberations will continue, and balloting will go on until some gets a majority of the votes… There will be another ballot soon. As to whether anyone drops out, it isn’t required but probable…… Read More
RNC Second ballot result:
Duncan 48. Steele 48. Dawson 29. Anuzis 24. Blackwell 19.
85 votes needed to win.
15 minute recess before next vote.… Read More
Next month, the State Republican Party Central Committee will meet in Sacramento to elect most of its officers. Here at the FlashReport, we’re taking the opportunity to work our way through the CRP offices up for election, and give you our take on the candidates who are running. While there is no particular order in which we are going, we’ll eventually get to all of the positions that are being elected – Chairman, Vice Chairman, the Regional Vice Chairmen, and President of the County Chairmens Association. We’ve offered to run columns from the candidates, and all but two have responded so far.
So far the FlashReport has endorsed Laura Gadke for re-election as Vice Chairman for the Central Valley Region. Today we take a look at the Los Angeles Region Vice Chairman position, where incumbent Doug Boyd is seeking re-election.… Read More