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Jon Fleischman

My resolution for the State GOP convention get’s ink in the SacBee’s Capitol Alert Blog

Over on the Capitol Alert blog of the Sacramento Bee, Shane Goldmacher has penned a piece on a "place holder" resolution that I have submitted to the State GOP Convention for its potential consideration in a few weeks. Goldmacher’s piece doesn’t mention that there is another companion resolution that praises our GOP legislators for holding the line on taxes, to go along with mine that is a framework for censuring GOPers in the Capitol that vote to impose higher taxes in Californians in response to our state’s overspending crisis.

The resolution was submitted yesterday because the State GOP rules require that resolutions be submitted three weeks prior to the convention to be considered timely.

I really have no reason to believe that legislative Republicans plan on being enablers for higher taxes here in California. If, as some have said, there are Republicans who think there is a better "deal" for taxpayers in the form of some sort of spending cap and other concessions from the left, I guess if that ever develops and is voting for by… Read More

Assemblyman Curt Hagman

CA Legislative Democrats Support President Obama’s “Stimulus” Package

Just got done on the floor. The Assembly approved on a party line vote (AJR 4) supporting the almost trillion dollar "stimulus" federal package. The package has money for ACORN, smoking cessation, digitial TV coupons,honey bee insuranceand over $4 billion for "neighborhood stabilization activities"and who knows what else.

I was proudthat no Republican voted for theresolution.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Speaker Bass: Look In The Mirror

Sometimes you really can’t make this stuff up.

As has been reported online in the Sacramento Bee, and blogged about briefly by me, last night I quickly penned a resolution for the upcoming GOP convention that is kind of a "fill in the bank" censure of GOP legislators that potentially will have voted for a tax increase before our February 20th gathering. There’s another resolution, by the way, praising our legislators for opposing taxes. It’s my hope and expectation that my resolution will get tabled, and that it will be the other that is unanimously adopted.

Now on the Bee’s Capitol Alert blog, Democrat Assembly Speaker Karen Bass responds to my introduction of this resolution, saying:Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Fantasyland – Conclusions from PPIC Survey

(If this post seems familiar, we’ve used the "Disneyland" analogy below before, as this isn’t the first time that the liberals in the media have "lept" onto a briefly worded survey to assert informed public opinion.)

As FR contributor and public opinion pollster Adam Probolsky likes to say, a poll is only as good as what you ask, and to whom you ask it. So I was quite amused to see so much enthusiasm erupt from the liberal media and left-wing Democrats when the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) released their latest survey response — where PPIC declares that the public supports (hold onto your chair) HIGHER TAXES.

If you go to Page 27 of the full report of the PPIC survey, you can see the actual questions asked to those surveyed. What is most instructive if you read it is… Read More

Barry Jantz

Super Sunday San Diego: Super Meltdown? Please provide some solutions.

Per the San Diego Reader, 14 of San Diego County’s 18 cities are attempting to manage upside down budgets, with nine having shortfalls in the millions.

Since that Jan. 21 story, the Chula Vista City Council has voted 4-1 to conduct a May mail ballot for a one percent sales tax increase. John McCann was the lone nay vote. The special election will cost the region’s second largest city $250,000.

Chula Vista joinsthreeother citieswith recent local sales taxes measures, El Cajon, La Mesa and National City, all of them passing.

Don’t expect any of this to change soon. Underlying the fiscal problems is a dysfunctional system in which cities must rely mostly on sales tax revenue while the bulk of the locally-generated property taxes flow into state coffers. Anytime the economy turns sour and sales taxes are down as a result, municipalities suffer, while Californiagovernment continues to have its own blind-to-reality problems, often resulting in further State actions to transfer local monies to cover its fiscal ineptitude.

Theother… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Fantasyland: Conclusions from PPIC Survey

(If this post seems familiar, we’ve used the "Disneyland" analogy below before, as this isn’t the first time that the liberals in the media have "lept" onto a briefly worded survey to assert informed public opinion.) As FR contributor and public opinion pollster Adam Probolsky likes to say, a poll is only as good as what you ask, and to whom you ask it. So I was quite amused to see so much enthusiasm erupt from the liberal media and left-wing Democrats when the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) released their latest survey response — where PPIC declares that the public supports (hold onto your chair) HIGHER TAXES.

If you go to Page 27 of the full report of the PPICRead More

Jon Fleischman

A Note To Democats Who Just Don’t “Get It”

For those Democrat members of the state legislature who just don’t "get it" when it comes to the conviction of all Republican legislators to oppose raising taxes in California, think about it this way. Let’s create a hypothetical situation where the legislature was in a position to actually reverse Roe v. Wade. How many Democrat votes would be there to make that change? I suspect the answer is zero. And on our side we would say, "Come on, you have so many members, can’t just a few go up on this? We’ll make it a temporary measure, only lasting a few years…"

As a Democrat, you might say that you could never vote to reverse Roe v. Wade. I can hear it now, "That is a core issue for Democrats."

Well, guess what. Stopping new taxes is a core belief for Republicans — it is defining of who we are…… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Taxes & Spending – All the GOP Has Left

$200 billion for State bailouts – supported by GOP Governors. $42 billion in California State deficits – undera "GOP" Governor. State GOP Assembly members signaling willingness to increase taxes. Is it any wonder the GOP is at post Watergate lows? Contrary to some our critics, both inside and outside the Party, we have not been "too conservative". In fact, we have not been conservative at all – which is why we are in the shape we are in.

I have been heartened by the US House GOP and their unanimous opposition to the bailout. News analysis of this development has been incorrect. This has not been a partisan drill – but a vote for survival. The truth of the matter is that any GOP elected official voting for a bailout will be subject to a primary challenge in 2010 – and any GOP Assembly or Senate member will be subject to the same. Its time for the base to enforce the last issue we have left – taxes and spending.

Its also time for the State Republican Party to get off of the sidelines and quit dreaming about any progress unless we are active participants in a public campaign to praise our… Read More

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