My resolution for the State GOP convention get’s ink in the SacBee’s Capitol Alert Blog
Over on the Capitol Alert blog of the Sacramento Bee, Shane Goldmacher has penned a piece on a "place holder" resolution that I have submitted to the State GOP Convention for its potential consideration in a few weeks. Goldmacher’s piece doesn’t mention that there is another companion resolution that praises our GOP legislators for holding the line on taxes, to go along with mine that is a framework for censuring GOPers in the Capitol that vote to impose higher taxes in Californians in response to our state’s overspending crisis.
The resolution was submitted yesterday because the State GOP rules require that resolutions be submitted three weeks prior to the convention to be considered timely.
I really have no reason to believe that legislative Republicans plan on being enablers for higher taxes here in California. If, as some have said, there are Republicans who think there is a better "deal" for taxpayers in the form of some sort of spending cap and other concessions from the left, I guess if that ever develops and is voting for by… Read More