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Jon Fleischman

Irony That Brings Atlas Shrugged To Mind

I have to tell you that there is a humorous irony with President Obama’s pronouncement that companies that want a government subsidy courtesy of the egregious and ill-advised $700 billion TARP bail out (and presumably companies who choose to feed at the taxpayer trough if/when Obama’s latest boondoggle "stimulus" package is signed) will have to limit the compensation of their top execs to 500k annually.

For those of us that oppose the bailouts, past, present and future — this is delicious. As far as I am concerned, the more disincentives we can provide for private companies to accept bail-outs the better.

To those who supported the taxpayer bailout of Wall Street, some good friends of the FR, well I suppose you think Obama’s decree is outrageous, because you think it is okay for private companies to get taxpayer subsidies.

Here is the problem. Normally, I shouldn’t CARE about what the CEO of Citibank makes. That should be a private matter — I guess if I were a stockholder, I might have some interest. But not really as long as my dividends are high.

But now we all have to care, because we… Read More

Shawn Steel

Today’s Commentary: RNC Election: Steele the Winner! Thank you Ken Blackwell.

Much is discussed about Michael Steele’s remarkable election as chair to the RNC. Already Republicans note his unswerving conservative views on the Chris Wallace FOX show last Sunday night. His election has electrified a rather lethargic and angst ridden political party. Last evening I accepted Steele’s invitation to join his 10 person Transition Team. We are meeting this week in DC.

The opportunities for conservatives… Read More

Dan Schnur

A Reasoned Defense Of The 2/3 Vote Requirement To Pass A Budget

There are dozens of speeches still posted on Barack Obama’s campaign website that the President delivered over the last several years, beginning with his statement opposing the Iraq War in 2002 and concluding with his Election Night victory address this past November. One entry that has received less attention was a floor speech from his first few months in the U.S. Senate, when Obama warned his new colleagues about how their constituents were becoming increasingly unhappy by the overly partisan behavior they saw in Washington.

"What they don’t expect is for one party – be it Republican or Democrat – to change the rules in the middle of the game so that they can make all the decisions while the other party is told to sit down and keep quiet." said the new Senator. ".we need to rise above an ‘ends justify the means’ mentality because we’re here to answer to the people – all of the people – not just the ones wearing our party label."

The circumstances under which Obama leveled his warning were historic. Senate Republicans, who then controlled that chamber, had become increasingly frustrated… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Michael Steele taps Shawn Steel for RNC Transition Team

We don’t typically reprint press releases here on the FlashReport. But on occasion, we make exceptions. I am very excited that FlashReport’s own Shawn Steel, former Chairman of the California Republican Party and currently California’s Republican National Committeeman has been tapped by new RNC Chairman Michael Steele to serve on a small, and influential transition team. The team will have its first meeting next week at the RNC Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Congratulations to Michael Steele on his election, and to Shawn Steel for this appointment. It is great news for the California GOP.

The release…

Steele Announces RNC Transition Team Team Will Implement Sweeping Changes; Prepare Party for Upcoming ElectionsRead More

Barry Jantz

DeMaio: 44% Increase in Six Figure Salaries at City of San Diego!

"Yes, you read that right!" said San Diego City Councilmember Carl DeMaio. "You thought the Wall Street bailout mess was bad! Take a look at the 44% increase in the number of city workers earning $100,000 or more each year. Stay tuned for more data in the coming weeks on why the city has a spending problem, not a revenue problem."

Also, read this morning’s Union Trib editorial on the matter.

Six Figure Salaries Soar in City Workforce – Up 44% in One Year DeMaio Releases Study on City Worker Compensation: “$100k Club” SAN DIEGO – City Councilmember Carl DeMaio today released aRead More

Congressman John Campbell

My Stimulus Plan

Many of you wrote me last week knowing that I oppose the big spending plan as presented, and want to know what I am for. Well, what I am for is somewhat unique. There are basically 3 forms of stimulus being discussed:

Keynesian spending: This comes from the economic theories espoused by Englishman John Maynard Keynes in the early 20th century who believed that government spending would stimulate economic growth when the private sector doesn’t have enough to spend. The Democratic $819 billion "stimulus bill." is 90% Keynesian. Supply side tax cuts: This follows the Laffer curve theory by San Diego economist Art Laffer that cutting taxes and leaving more money in private hands will have a greater multiplier effect and be more stimulative. The Republican alternative is 100% supply side tax cuts. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The Republican Party has a responsibility to protect itself: The Resolution

I introduced the following resolution to be considered at the upcoming California Republican Party Convention — and it is my full expectation that it will end up being withdrawn because I believe that our Republicans in the Capitol will hold the line against all of the liberals and special interest groups that want them to cave in, to punish taxpayers, and raise taxes by BILLIONS of dollars.

The political damage to the brand-name of Republican, if our party is associated with a massive tax increase in response to a massive over-spending created financial shortfall, would be horrific. A GOP supported tax hike could very well be a precursor to a 2010 election cycle where Democrats take 2/3rd majorities in both chambers. You have to look at that scenario if the GOP can no longer make the case that we will oppose new taxes… Especially since virtually every Republican running for election or re-election in 2010 have signed a pledge to vote against new taxes, and to oppose efforts to raise taxes.

In just one day, I have already heard from almost 200 state centralRead More

Jon Fleischman

The Republican Party has a responsibility to protect itself: The Resolution

I introduced the following resolution to be considered at the upcoming California Republican Party Convention — and it is my full expectation that it will end up being withdrawn because I believe that our Republicans in the Capitol will hold the line against all of the liberals and special interest groups that want them to cave in, to punish taxpayers, and raise taxes by BILLIONS of dollars.

The political damage to the brand-name of Republican, if our party is associated with a massive tax increase in response to a massive over-spending created financial shortfall, would be horrific. A GOP supported tax hike could very well be a precursor to a 2010 election cycle where Democrats take 2/3rd majorities in both chambers. You have to look at that scenario if the GOP can no longer make the case that we will oppose new taxes… Especially since virtually every Republican running for election or re-election in 2010 have signed a pledge to vote against new taxes, and to oppose efforts to raise taxes. In just one day, I have alreadyRead More

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