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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: A Vote For Taxes Now Would Imperil The GOP In 2010

Yesterday, my friend Patrick Dorinson penned a column for Fox and Hounds Daily, Inherit the Wind, where he questioned the wisdom and tactics of my decision to introduce a resolution for the upcoming California Republican Party convention that would officially censure any Republican legislator that voted to increase taxes. This resolution is accompanied by another one that praises Republican legislators for holding the line against higher taxes. It is my sincere hope that the first resolution gets tabled as being inapplicable, and that the party faithful will be able to unanimously pass the latter – a well deserved thank you to Republican legislators that have, despite a very high degree of pressure on them from the special interest groups that dominate the State Capitol, and the battering by the political left who occupy their high chairs on many of the editorial boards of major California newspapers.

In Patrick’s piece, he makes this statement: “Political parties exist to win elections. Period. That is… Read More

Meredith Turney

Senator Aanestad Exposes Dangerous Abortion Program

Senator Sam Aanestad has just released a shocking article about a state government program that is funding surgical abortion training for nurses and midwives. The main problem with this little program is that state law and the medical board prohibit nurses and midwives from performing surgical abortions. There are some stunning revelations in Senator Aanestad’s article: government waiver of legislature-approved laws simply to get more people performing abortions and the racist targeting of poor minority groups.

Regardless of where one stands on the abortion issue, we should all expect the medical profession to abide by the highest standards of conduct, for the safety of their patients. Targeting poor minority groups (by exploiting their financial plight) for this type of experimentation is unconscionable.

The program, the Healthcare Workforce Pilot Program #171, is coming up for renewal in March 2009. The Director of the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, David Carlisle, should stop this program immediately, for the… Read More

Mike Spence

Viable GOP Candidate Emerges in 32nd CD and it’s not me!

IF Hilda Solis is confirmed as Secretary of Labor, a special election will be held to replace her. Conventional wisdom has that no GOP candidate can win. Some local GOP elected officials have even endorsed Judy Chu for that office. State Senator Gil Cedillo is also a big Democratic contender.

While Republican registration is 21%, the 32nd District (West Covina, Covina, Azusa, Baldwin Park, El Monte, Rosemead, Monterey Park and parts of Los Angeles) is more conservative than some areas. It is heavily Latino with a sizeable Asian population. Every city passed Proposition 8 easily.

Some have asked me to run. I am way to busy to have that kind of fun.

I recently met with a candidate that is viable in a special election low turnout scenario.

Teresa Hernandez was born and raised in the district. Teresa own with her husband Cielito Lindo Restaurant (the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A Vote For Taxes Now Would Imperil The GOP In 2010

Yesterday, my friend Patrick Dorinson penned a column for Fox and Hounds Daily, Inherit the Wind, where he questioned the wisdom and tactics of my decision to introduce a resolution for the upcoming California Republican Party convention that would officially censure any Republican legislator that voted to increase taxes. This resolution is accompanied by another one that praises Republican legislators for holding the line against higher taxes. It is my sincere hope that the first resolution gets tabled as being inapplicable, and that the party faithful will be able to unanimously pass the latter – a well deserved thank you to Republican legislators that have, despite a very high degree of pressure on them from the special interest groups that dominate the State Capitol, and the battering by the political left who occupy their high chairs on many of the editorial boards of major California newspapers.

In Patrick’s piece, he makes this statement: “Political parties exist to win… Read More

New Capitol Weekly/Probolsky Research California Poll finds support for Part-time Legislature

Capitol Weekly and Probolsky Research (my firm) debut our statewide poll today, a poll that is less pedestrian than the other regularly published statewide polls.

The first article on the results highlight support among California voters for a part-time legislature. John Howard and Anthony York wrote an article about the poll in Capitol Weekly’s Thursday edition.

Another article by Anthony York discusses the difference between our results and results from a Enviro group sponsored poll on the prospect of loosening environmental regulations for new projects in California.

Overall we found that voters are not happy with the direction the state is headed nor the leadership of the governor.

We also identified a more than two-to-one Democratic preference among Decline to State voters over Republicans.

The actual poll reports can be viewed by visiting… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Michael Steele taps Shawn Steel for RNC Transition Team

We don’t typically reprint press releases here on the FlashReport. But on occasion, we make exceptions. I am very excited that FlashReport’s own Shawn Steel, former Chairman of the California Republican Party and currently California’s Republican National Committeeman has been tapped by new RNC Chairman Michael Steele to serve on a small, and influential transition team. The team will have its first meeting next week at the RNC Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Congratulations to Michael Steele on his election, and to Shawn Steel for this appointment. It is great news for the California GOP.

The release…

Steele Announces RNC Transition Team Team Will Implement Sweeping Changes; Prepare Party for Upcoming ElectionsRead More

Barry Jantz

DeMaio: 44% Increase in Six Figure Salaries at City of San Diego!

"Yes, you read that right!" said San Diego City Councilmember Carl DeMaio. "You thought the Wall Street bailout mess was bad! Take a look at the 44% increase in the number of city workers earning $100,000 or more each year. Stay tuned for more data in the coming weeks on why the city has a spending problem, not a revenue problem."

Also, read this morning’s Union Trib editorial on the matter.

Six Figure Salaries Soar in City Workforce – Up 44% in One Year DeMaio Releases Study on City Worker Compensation: “$100k Club” SAN DIEGO – City Councilmember Carl DeMaio today released aRead More

Jon Fleischman

More Support for Fleischman — This time from the O.C. Register’s Steve Greenhut

From the Orange County Register’s Editorial Page Blog:

Fleischman makes sense, the Bee doesn’t

Posted by Steve Greenhut

Jon Fleishman of Flashreporthas, in his role as a California GOP vice chairman, offered a resolution for the party’s convention that would censure tax-hiking Republican lawmakers. It’s a good way to keep those who are a bit weak in line with the party’s anti-tax-increase stance. The Sacramento Bee, in an editorial called… Read More

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