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Jon Fleischman

Brulte Memo to Poizner Supporters

It’s a busy day in the e-mail box today. No doubt to bolster up Steve Poizner supporters in response to the official announcement by Meg Whitman that she is officially a candidate for Governor, Poizner’s Campaign Chairman, retired State Senator Jim Brulte, sent this out…

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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Today’s Commentary: A Budget Deal With New Taxes Is A Death Knell For the GOP

I’ve heard, like others, of a reputed "deal" on the State budget struck by Big Five negotiators, to be announced Monday. If it includes new taxes and fees, it will be an outrage, and the final nail in the coffin of a State Republican Party dying a slow death for 20 years. The tax issue is all this Party has left, and to cede it to a bunch of leftists, in the middle of a financial crisis, would be monumentally stupid.

But Mike, we need more revenues, you say. No we don’t. If you believe that, then you believe taxes are too low right now, and that the economy can withstand new taxes and fees. Anyone accepting either premise is either completely ignorant, or worse, intellectually defective.

Assembly leader Mike Villines and Senate leader Dave Cogdill have held out too long and worked too hard to accept a compromise. Eight years of compromise is precisely what put us here in the first place, and another compromise will plunge a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Poizner Campaign Issues Memo From Jim Brulte

It’s a busy day in the e-mail box today. No doubt to bolster up Steve Poizner supporters in response to the official announcement by Meg Whitman that she is officially a candidate for Governor, Poizner’s Campaign Chairman, retired State Senator Jim Brulte:

POIZNER FOR GOVERNOR From the desk of Jim Brulte

Dear Friend:

If you’re like me, you think California is headed in the wrong direction. Every day the news gets worse and our great state slips further and further behind.

But the good news is that strong, tested leadership can turn this around.Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

A Budget Deal With New Taxes Is A Death Knell For the GOP

I’ve heard, like others, of a reputed "deal" on the State budget struck by Big Five negotiators, to be announced Monday. If it includes new taxes and fees, it will be an outrage, and the final nail in the coffin of a State Republican Party dying a slow death for 20 years. The tax issue is all this Party has left, and to cede it to a bunch of leftists, in the middle of a financial crisis, would be monumentally stupid.

But Mike, we need more revenues, you say. No we don’t. If you believe that, then you believe taxes are too low right now, and that the economy can withstand new taxes and fees. Anyone accepting either premise is either completely ignorant, or worse, intellectually defective.

Assembly leader Mike Villines and Senate leader Dave Cogdill have held out too long and worked too hard to accept a compromise. Eight years of compromise is precisely what put us here in the first place, and another compromise will plunge a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Hardball Politics

I love politics. Every once in a while you get these "say what?" moments, where you turn your head and actually say to the person next to you, "did you just see that?"

Earlier today, we reported that Tom Hudson had filed a complaint against Meg Whitman with the FPPC (you can see that a couple of blog posts down).

Just off of the transom is the press release below, sent out about an hour ago, announcing that Steve Poizner has endorsed Tom Hudson in his bid for party office.

That’s hardball politics.


Senator Dave Cox also Joins the Team

Insurance Commissioner and candidate for Governor Steve Poizner has added his full support to the growing campaign for Tom Hudson for Northern Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party. State Senator Dave Cox has endorsed Hudson as… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: The UT Death Spiral, Free Speech, Free Spending and More

A mere64 pages this morning… It has been said there is more sheer information in one Sunday edition of the New York Times than the average person learned during their entire lifetime in the Middle Ages. By comparison, the ongoing death spiral of the San Diego Union-Tribune makes you wonder why they need modern printing presses at all, if the amount of content could have been produced pre-Gutenberg. Today’s Sunday UT is all of 64 pages, not counting the huge ad sections and marketing inserts.

Randy Dotinga at provides some further excellent analysis in The Paper’s Been Cut in Half. Worth the read.

When is free speech not free speech?… On a college campus, of course. Or, perhaps, in a federal courtroom. Maybe both:

A federal judge ruled yesterday that a nondiscrimination policy at San Diego State and Long Beach State universities required for formal campus recognition does notRead More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

The Grand Canyon Between Us

First went my sister and her family. Then followed my mother. Then my grandmother. Even one of the cities I represent is looking at possibly going there.

Where? Arizona.

As I mentioned in my last blog, although San Bernardino County’s High Desert has a lot to offer in the way of incentives – from affordable land and labor to business-friendly local governments – the limits of our local discretion are illustrated by the economic struggles of the City of Needles, which I represent.

A small town located across the Colorado River from Arizona and Nevada, Needles was until recently studying the feasibility of seceding to one of the other two states because of California’s higher costs for gasoline, workers’ compensation insurance, auto insurance, corporate, sales and personal income taxes, and myriad overzealous laws and regulations, just to name a few.

“More power to ’em,” I wrote, “although I’ll continue to do the best possible job for them as long as… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Applying Some Sophistication To Budget Deal Voting

It is my hope that Republican legislators will apply the same degree of sophistication to their approach on voting on a Big 5-agreed-upon "deal" that those of us on the outside will use to analyze the proposal and the votes on all of its component parts.

First and foremost, since not all FlashReport readers are intimately aware of how these budget votes tend to take place — it is not one bill, but series of bills all tied together that make the budget "package" deal. So what happens is that one bill may lay out modifications to state spending, another bill might contain tax increases, and other bills may contain other miscellaneous parts of the package.

Knowing that a deal is carved up this way is important in analyzing who supports the package — because, and this is critical, for ANY PART of the package to be enacted, it ALL must be enacted. This is the manner in which the Democrats can ensure their any votes they put up for spending CUTS don’t go into effect unless Republicans put up the necessary votes for TAX INCREASES — or visa versa I suppose.… Read More

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