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Ray Haynes

Through It All, I Stand With Trump

I am a political ad junkie. During the election season, I change channels to see the political ads. Strange behavior, I know, but I like to see what the Democrats are saying. This election season has been populated with a lot of ads (here in California for sure) trying to tie Republicans to Trump. That tells me the Dems somehow think the key to their victory is a hatred of Trump. Some Republicans like to join in and reinforce that message of hatred of Trump.

Most of you who know me know I didn’t support Trump in the primaries in 2016. I was wrong. The fact is, politically and on a policy level, Trump has been the best thing to happen to Republicans in a long time. He fights Democrats and their leftist apologists in the media, which explains why they are apoplectic, and make him the focus of their hatred. The reason for their vitriol? Republicans are supposed to fold up their tents and go home when the Dems attack, they are not supposed to attack back, like Trump. Some of the Reps that turn on Trump when the media calls them demonstrate that expected Pavlovian response to those leftist attacks. Trump does not give in. Has he been perfect? No. But let… Read More

Katy Grimes

#WALKAWAY from Democrats D.C. March a YUGE Success Ahead of Midterms

The #WalkAway movement is picking up steam as it urges liberals to abandon Democrats.

Thousands of fed up former Democrats and liberals joined Brandon Straka’s #WalkAway CampaignSaturday in Washington D.C. for the new movement’s first national rally.

Straka led a mile-long march of 5,000+ supporters in Washington, D.C., according to Capitol police, as a show of unity just ahead of the 2018 mid-term elections.

Straka started the group only five months ago in late May when he posted a Youtubevideo testimonial that’s been viewed 404,721times as of this writing. Brandon Straka, a life long… Read More

Katy Grimes

Padded Résumé, Big Govt Socialist, Jessica Morse is Unserious House Candidate

“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

It is too badthere is no referee calling fouls and issuing penalties to politicians and candidates who lie. Even today’s political fact checkers aren’t always reliable. So it’s up to voters to sort through the noise.

Particularly noisy is Democrat Jessica Morse, who is running against Republican Rep. Tom McClintock for the U.S. House of Representatives. Morse’s campaign has been fatuous and unserious. Jessica Morse is a study in running a callow campaign, with hertroubled relationship with the truth when it comes to her past, her credentials, and an embellished résumé.

The… Read More

Richard Rider

The Vaunted “California Miracle” Economy Is a Fantasy

Democrats and their MSM allies have been touting California’s “miracle comeback” from the recession. They love to reference 2015 statistics – the SINGLE year when CA did quite well compared to the other states. But as we’ll see below, three things are apparent:

1. 2015 was an aberration.

2. Since 2105, CA has slipped back into its moribund economic performance that has become the norm in the Golden State.

3. By just about any metric, CA is doing less well than the majority of the other states. Too often a LOT less well.

California’s unemployment rate(September, 2018) has improved significantly this year. Yet we are now tied for 32nd – with a 4.1% unemployment rate. The nationalRead More

Richard Rider

Prop 6 — Consider how our CA gas tax compares with other states

The lies by opponents of Proposition 6 — the measure to repeal the LATEST GAS AND DIESEL TAX INCREASES — are breathtaking. Many people believe opponents when they falsely claim that — if Prop 6 passes — there will be essentially no funding for roads and bridges. No one — even proponents of Prop 6 — are adequately presenting the actual numbers. Especially the numbers compared to the other states. Let me help:

In California, we now pay about 56 cents a gallon in state “gas pump” taxes — our state excise tax and sales tax. This figure is scheduled to rise dramatically (and automatically) in future years, but let’s put that fact aside for this comparison.

In addition, we pay the hidden CA “cap and trade” tax. It’s estimated by the CA Legislative Analyst’s Office at 10 to 12 cents a gallon. Using 10 cents, that brings our total CA state gasRead More

Katy Grimes

Democrats and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

In the 1972 children’s book,Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, everything goes wrong for poor Alexander. He wakes up withhis chewing gum in his hair, gets stuck in the middle seat of the carpool, loses his-best-friend status during recess, his mom forgot to give him dessert in his lunchbox, and it just gets worse.

The poor Democrats are also having a perpetual Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Week. Month. Year. Two years.

From… Read More

Richard Rider

A Defense of Prop 13 — with UPDATED June 2018 Figures

When it comes to gathering sufficient property taxes, Prop 13 is no problem at all – except for profligate spenders. Look at the history of my San Diego County – a history which pretty much reflects the history of property taxes in the urban/suburban counties that hold over 85% of California’s population.

According to San Diego County, in 1977 – the year BEFORE Prop 13 took effect (when everything was working great, according to Prop 13 critics) – our countywide property tax revenue was about $639 million. In the 2017-2018 fiscal year, our county reports property tax revenues of $6.407 BILLION. Hence for every property tax dollar collected in 1977, the county in 2017-18 collected $10.02. And BTW, according to the County Assessor, since Prop 13 passed, 97% of the pre-Prop 13 county owner-occupied homes have changed hands (and been reassessed) at least once.

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Katy Grimes

Shrieking Leftist Harpies Turn #MeToo and #BelieveWomen, into #HimToo and #NotAllMen

Gladiatrix or Hysterical Females? Women Have Choices

Recently afriendcalled me a Gladiatrix because I stand up to evil, corruption and wrongdoing – essentially, the corrupt political majority in California.

I thanked her and told her that it takes one to know one. She’s a conservative radio talk show host who also exposes the radical left, and is a Gladiatrix in her own right.

In stark contrast to being named a Gladiatrix, last week… Read More

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