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Jon Fleischman

Los Angeles County GOP Takes Strong Stand Against Tax-Increasing Budget Plan

By a vote of 61-5:

The economic state of our nation and California is being used by the Democrats in turning this state and country into a socialist paradise. Although out numbered greatly, most Republican legislators have held fast to Conservative Republican Economic principals. Those who have stuck to their guns while under intense pressure form many sides should be commended and rewarded in their future political endeavors. By the same token there are a few Republicans that are sacrificing their principals for immediate personal political gains. They should be considered traitors of the party, their names published frequently, and opposed vigorously in any future political ambitions. It is time that true Republicans stand up openly and loudly for our principals without fear or compromise.

RPLAC officially adopts this resolution commending all Republican legislators holding the line on new or more taxes and oppose big government and that RPLAC name those Republican Legislators who go against Republican values and ideals and proclaim our opposition to their quest for further political positions.… Read More

Shawn Steel

Who will turn ? Who will save the libs and unions?

Today could be one of the worst economic days in US history.

Congress may pass the most expensive aggressive pork laden spending bill ever. Only with thehelp of 3 pathetic Republican senators.

Back home, our legislature is set to impose more taxes on the highest taxes in the US, only to preserve union power. The only way to force new taxes, votes must come from Republicans.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Whitman Rolls Out More Endorsements

FYI – The Whitman for Governor campaign has already (in some cases) or is about to (in other cases) announce these federal and state legislative endorsements: Congressmen Wally Herger and Buck McKeon, State Senators Dave Cox and Mark Wyland, Assemblymembers Roger Niello and Audra Strickland, as well as an endorsement from former Assembly Republican Leader George Plescia.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Who Is Holding The Leaders Accountable?

The job of being a legislative caucus leader is to represents the interests of their caucus members. There is no doubt that overwhelmingly Senate and Assembly Republicans oppose these proposed, outrageous taxes. So why aren't the leaders doing their job, and going back to the Governor and Democrats and saying this plan doesn't work? And if they aren't doing that, are the Republicans who elected them to leadership holding them accountable? When individual legislators fold on a bad plan, it's on them. When legislative leaders do it, everyone who put them into their leadership spots are equally responsible. At least to my way of thinking.… Read More

Tab Berg

MacGlashan leads fight to end free healthcare for citizens of other countries.

I’ve already posted information regarding Sacramento Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan’s effort to eliminate the $2.4 million Sacramento County spends providing free, non-emergency healthcare to citizens of other countries. Now, the issue caught the ear of the local radio powerhouse Armstrong & Getty program…here’s a clip…

This issue is growing with tight budgets across the state – and ten other counties currently fund similar programs providing free healthcare, above and beyond emergency and public health, to citizens of other countries.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Bad News Comes With Good New

The massive Obama “porkulus” bill just passed the House. Not one Republican voted for it. Wish I could say that every Senate GOPer would do the same…… Read More

Tab Berg

Budget fight in Sacramento County

After battling for more than 2 years, Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan has succeeded in eliminating a multi-million dollar taxpayer-funded healthcare program for citizens of other countries from the Sacramento County budget.

During an earlier budget cycle (yes even before the economic downturn), MacGlashan had gone through the budget (rather than relying on staff reports) where she discovered staff had been listing the healthcare program (which was ONLY for citizens of other countries) as mandatory, when it was a purely discretionary program.

At a cost more than $2.4 million a year, Sacramento County taxpayers were providing citizens from other countries with healthcare coverage beyond that which US, California and Sacramento citizens could access. MacGlashan believed that was wrong.

Supervisor MacGlashan has been hawkish on the budget and taxes since her election to the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors in 2004, noted that… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Main Page Delay

Tackling the issue of responding to a plan to "rescue" California with massive tax increases in a reasoned commentary, co written by myself and fellow State GOP Board Members Keith Carlson and Steve Baric has been time consuming. We’ll have that up soon, and the main up page closer to 9am.… Read More

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