Villines should assist Hollingsworth by calling a “time out”…
Early this morning, State Senate Republicans caucused off of the Senate Floor, and decided that they wanted to make a change in their leadership. Replacing Dave Cogdill is Dennis Hollingsworth. I have known Dennis personally for over fifteen years, long before he was elected to the legislature. He is a good man and will be a good leader for his caucus. Dennis was a very early, outspoken opponent of this current Big 5/Big Taxes plan, expressing very clear and realistic concerns about the over $14 billion in new taxes that it contains – which would add roughly $1300 a year in new taxes to the average family in California.
This morning I thought I would pen a brief appeal to Hollingsworth’s colleague and counterpart on the other legislative chamber, Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines. As a legislative caucus leader himself, Villines understands the importance for a new leader being able to take stock of his new position. Understanding that Villines supports this… Read More