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Jon Fleischman

Which GOPers Supported The Largest Tax Increase In California’s History? The list is a lot longer than six, I’m afraid…

Politics is more like a chess game than a checkers game — it’s complex, and people who want to seriously understand why things happen, and what some of the real motivations are, should take the time to step back, and take things in context.

First and foremost, it’s obvious on the face of it to be able to say that the six Republican legislators (Senators Ashburn, Cogdill and Maldonado and Assemblymen Adams, Niello and Villines) who actually voted for the bill that imposed over $14 billion in new taxes were critical to its passage. Shame on them. Truly, they have done a tremendous disservice to their state and to their party.

But in taking some time to contemplate the politics of the final hours of this Big 5/Big Taxes deal passing out of the legislature, you have to say, how did it happen? After all, the votes to pass the plan simply were not there in the State Senate. You needed three Republicans to support the actual tax increase legislation, and they were one vote shy. Eleven GOP Senators basically said there was no way there were going up on the tax bill (Aanestad, Benoit, Denham, Dutton,… Read More

Meredith Turney

The Legislature’s Misplaced Priorities

Readers of today’s Flash Report main page probably noticed some articles about the Assembly Judiciary Committee passing an anti-Proposition 8 resolution yesterday, HR 5. This news was probably lost in the intense focus on budget debates, but taxpayers should be outraged about this for two reasons.

First, why on earth is the legislature spending taxpayer dollars to hear a resolution (non-binding pontificating) on an issue that voters decided twice (at great expense to the state already)? Maybe it had something to do with that fact that anti-Proposition 8 organization Equality California had been planning a lobby day for their supporters for months and Democrat leadership didn’t want to disappoint them. (If only conservative organizations could coordinate with the legislature on the timing of our committee hearings!)

Packing committee room 4202 with their supporters, including the ubiquitous attorney Gloria Allred, the Assembly held an… Read More

Jon Fleischman

BREAKING: Dennis Hollingsworth Is Now Senate Republican Leader

We have confirmed that after a lengthy caucus meeting, there is a new Senate Republican Leader — Dennis Hollingsworth!

This decision was made in the midst of tense negotiations over a state budget deal.

While we don’t go into the internal politics of caucuses, it is fair to say that it was unusual that the former leader, Dave Cogdill, was supporting a budget plan that was not supported by a majority of his colleagues.

Congratulations Senate Leader Hollingsworth!!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Statement from Cogdill on Leadership Change

Senate Republican Leader Dave Cogdill, of Modesto, today issued the following statement: My primary goal in leading this Caucus has always been to maintain unity within our dynamic membership. I knew this would be a daunting task with the state’s precarious fiscal situation, but it was a challenge I was honored to take. While there are many things to dislike in this budget, I am proud it contains the vital reforms our Caucus has been pushing for – fixing our broken budget system, making government more efficient, giving flexibility to schools to direct more money to the classroom and creating more jobs in our state. It is now painfully apparent that this package will not achieve the votes needed to pass the Legislature.Read More

James V. Lacy

Diane Harkey claimed to have used $1 million in illegal funds for election

Diane Harkey’s campaignmay have been illegallybankrolled to the tune of nearly $1 million taken out of a busted real estate deal, according to an article on the cover of the Business Section of the Los Angeles Times today, a KNBC televised report last night, and a federal racketeering case filed by investors against Dan Harkey in Riverside county. Readers can access this information at

Yes, I am a critic of Assemblywoman Harkey (but I did not oppose her in the recent general election and turned down offers to help other non-Republican candidates in her race). I’ve decided to write this blog because I note the information is not covered elesewhere in FlashReport today. We did not see eye-to-eye while we were both on the Dana Point City Council. But I supported her failed race for State Senate wholeheartedly, vouched for her endorsement with certain anti-tax organizations, and even contributed to her campaign and attended an event with Chuck DeVore. Chuck knows the whole story. After telling me she would stay out of my own… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Dave Cogdill Out As Senate GOP Leader

The name of his replacement has not yet been made public… In fact, it still may be in flux as we blog…… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

The Big Compromise

So this is it, huh? For a $70 billion dollar, five year tax hike, all its going to take is a blanket primary and some pay cuts for legislators if they do a late budget. The Democrats will take that deal all day long.

I couldn’t be more embarrassed of this "deal" and can’t fathom that anyone can believe it is worth a $70 billion hit to taxpayers already taxed at the highest rates in nation.

Should we just introduce a resolution to disband the State GOP this weekend in Sacramento? What else will there be to do? Attend seminars about "getting out the vote" or "speaking to the media" when our own legislators can’t even stand firm on tax increases.

Abel Maldenado, either you are not too bright, or a closet tax collector for the welfare state. What a sad, disgusting episode in our State’s history.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Villines should assist Hollingsworth by calling a “time out”…

Early this morning, State Senate Republicans caucused off of the Senate Floor, and decided that they wanted to make a change in their leadership. Replacing Dave Cogdill is Dennis Hollingsworth. I have known Dennis personally for over fifteen years, long before he was elected to the legislature. He is a good man and will be a good leader for his caucus. Dennis was a very early, outspoken opponent of this current Big 5/Big Taxes plan, expressing very clear and realistic concerns about the over $14 billion in new taxes that it contains – which would add roughly $1300 a year in new taxes to the average family in California.

This morning I thought I would pen a brief appeal to Hollingsworth’s colleague and counterpart on the other legislative chamber, Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines. As a legislative caucus leader himself, Villines understands the importance for a new leader being able to take stock of his new position. Understanding that Villines supports this current budget deal (a… Read More

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