Abel, Arnold and GOP Pragmatists
If you haven’t done so already, be sure to join my new FaceBook group, "Never Elect Abel Maldonado To Anything, Ever Again," which launched late yesterday morning. We have more than 300 members and counting.
One byproduct is a message I received from Chris Tolles, the CEO of Topix, LLC. You can read it here.
Chris identifies himself as a Republican, but blasts those of us who oppose the massive tax hike as "obstructionists" who need to follow Arnold Schwarzenegger’s example if there”s to be any hope of growing the California Republican Party.
And in a startling example of cognitive dissonance, Tolles also exclaims — while praising the virtues of Arnold’s leadership — that we need to end public employee unioon control of state government.
Tolles is correct about the unions, of course, but how that meshes with devotion to Arnold doesn’t compute. Arnold apologized for his attempt to tame union power in 2005, and the unions have actually… Read More