The Dem Hurry to Annoint Rush
We’re fed a media diet rich in monotonous blah blah blah and light on substance; the mix is occasionally supplemented with nutritive additives provided by thoughtful "consultants" convincing us like a square paper carton of bad Chinese food we’re not quite full and should maintain our rate and quantity of consumption.
Such is the debate over the Democratic campaign to "annoint" a new head of the Republican Party: Rush Limbaugh.
Yesterday’s news delivered the exclamation point in an op ed by former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe. Politico ran coverage of the issue, as did the Washington Post. Jay Nordlinger weighs in over at NationalReview.com.
But sadly, it’s a strategy that is sexy to the media and to the public for the moment but is really a shock and awe campaign that will quickly fade.
Every candidate has had a mail piece dropped prior to an election with their face adjacent to the… Read More